can i have support using SDRsharp, but can i use the program to be experimental for it in one of the new versions dvb-s_gui ??
I'm putting the CPU model tonight
can i have support using SDRsharp, but can i use the program to be experimental for it in one of the new versions dvb-s_gui ??
I'm putting the CPU model tonight
I'm number 6 on the me too list for the RSP1a
Thank you in advance
Opps . sorry I mean number 8 or 9 any thanks and keep up the good work
...hope the old RSP 1 (without "A") will also be supported
73 de Johannes
Ciao Markro92,
Ho provato la nuova versione (2.0.5), non appena avvio il programma si blocca in 30 secondi !!
Allego l'immagine, poco prima del crash.
Gradirei tutti i vostri suggerimenti, grazie.
@IW1DTU: is it decoding in realtime? no buffer overflows?
Your CPU seems to be barely making it good job, also with the RTLSDR and very low bandwidth. congratulations is all i can say
@IU2KAC: Whats your CPU model?
@ik1hgi Tony: Your CPU only supports the SSSE3 instruction set. My software currently uses SSE4.2 instructions, i can't do anything about that now. I'm optimizing critical sections of my code with hand-written assembler code, because i need to squeeze every single bit of computing power out of it. But I'll do multiple versions in the near future, which are intended to run on older CPUs. I will let you know.
Also, what did you mean in your last post (#81) ? something with SDRSharp? I cant really tell
@all: I'll add CPUID info to the next version, so it's easier to tell which CPU model you use, and which feature flags are enabled. In the meantime, you can use the tool CPU-Z to provide me with infos about your CPU model, interesting things are clock speed, and features, like SSE / AVX. That way i can set priorities on what change next. I'm doing preparations on receiving multiple transponders at once in one of the next versions. That could be a bigger update end of May/June, which could be a great addition for the full duplex users.
ok, allego foto.
ik1hgi Tony: the supported instruction set. The CPU on the right screenshot supports SSE4.1 and SSE4.2 in the Instructions list, thats what my software needs as minimum currently.
I will add code that runs without SSE4 soon, but at the moment, CPUs without it are not supported right now!
SWL - markro92: ok understood after done CPU checks system i figured on the CPU instructions SSSE3 slower system, this is the instructions SSE4.2, and faster thanks 73 ik1hgi Tony
@SWL - markro92: Yes, I am decoding real time despite the RTL low banwitdh. Yes, after abt 10 minutes of quite good decoding I have buffer overflow and program crash.
Decoding 1000KSR or less all went smooth.
OS is Win7 home premium SP1 and cpu data and memory are below
so...I am also cut out as my CPU is a "Clarksfield" and does not support AVX.
@ SWL - markro92 : Ciao, penso che ora sia tutto ok per il mio PC win7 a 64 bit
73 ik1hgi Tony
Ciao Markro92,
Non ho capito perché non funziona!?!
Sono anche disposto a comprare un altro PC.
Puoi dirmi un laptop che funziona sicuramente?
Grazie per il tuo tempo.
yes Marcel, after a few seconds it crashes...
in case you have time I have teamviwer here
@ Markro92 : Grazie per i consigli ottenuti dalla SWL - markro92 ho risolto il mio 1 settimana ploblem ora vediamo complimeti del programma DVB-s_gui
73 ik1hgi Tony