This version (2.0.7)worked right away from me but after a few minutes the buffer fills up and the program crashes.
Win-7 64 bit
This version (2.0.7)worked right away from me but after a few minutes the buffer fills up and the program crashes.
Win-7 64 bit
Hi, the minimum i recommend is a quadcore CPU, hexacore or more would be better.
Hi, your CPU has only two physical cores. Windows shows 4, because of hyperthreading. It can work with dualcore CPUs, too. But only for low sample and symbolrate signals.
Yes, it is. My PC is beginning to feel the age but it still does everything with extreme efficiency.
I8LYL former I0LYL, luciano jn61fq
I have the same problem with the beacon , but i don't need it for decoding the beacon. it is a start to play with the settings of sofware
i will not buy a 6 core /4 ghz to only have the beacon more
when i want to see the beacon , i use my regular normal satreceiver and a modified lnb
have seen the beacon enough now...:-) , now every second i think now...
you will see, with the rtl dongle and 1000 ks sr the decoding is very stabil and your cpu can manage it enough
so, when decoding 1000 / 500 / 333 ks/250 kS with a 2400000 samplerate /bandwith .
the buffer stays 0/8192
when that is not the case, your cpu is to light, or someting else wrong.
use gardner filter for 1000sr and lower Sr
MM filter is only used for beacon at 2Ms
i have also a dualcore i3 @3.3 ghz and 8 ram
image from pe1ash with rtl dongle on 1000 ks , no fallout , no vlc crashing , 30 minutes full tx time , stabil buffering 0/8192
nico , on7ndr , jo11sf
73 luciano
I8LYL former I0LYL, luciano jn61fq
I have the same problem with the beacon , but i don't need it for decoding the beacon. it is a start to play with the settings of sofware
73 luciano
You are right but the beacon is always ON while the other stations are not always present. Right now I have time to devote to these tests but I only have the active beacon. This weekend will do more tests but I am satisfied that the program is starting to work here for me. Previous versions didn't work for me here for various reasons.
Of course I can also receive with MiniTouner-Express but it's not the same thing.
ciao, Lucio
hello all,
i just give this as additional info .
i have a universal lnb with a outside line amplifier johansson 9604 type(waterproof)
the line amplifier is direct connected to the lnb ..... mounted @lnb
so a additional amp is used to give a 10 db more gain on 743 Mhz
the line amp gives 18 db @2300 mhz , 13 @950mhz...
ok , you can ask yourself way? the s/n c/n stays the same ? yes.
have noticed that then the analog bb gain is set quite what lower in the software himself and the decoding goes better because i don't have to give extra analog bb gain from the rtl analog amp inside.... to see for example the orange waterfall on beacon coming on waterfall.
have done test with the line amp and without the lnb amp on beacon for example , in my case it was always better with the sat line amp inbetween. not a inline type
these are not waterproofwelded)
can someone do the same please as here noticed ? please share it or post it on this forum
is this info also better at your side with a regular rtl2832u?
the satrx (stb) is set to 10300 with horizontal polarisation 19 volt.
then the loop out from the same satrx (stb) has no dc , but only IF (rf) goes out
check/messure the voltage on the coax of the loop out , only RF (IF) may come out , NO VOLTAGE !
then connect the coax to the rtl dongle /rtl2832 /rtl2838
then run software.....
73 nico
Ciao Markro92,
Sono finalmente riuscito a decodificare il segnale video!
Congratulazioni per il tuo programma, per me è stato, vieni "l'uovo di Colombo"
Un suggerimento, potresti avere un indicatore di potenza del segnale nelle mie risposte? ...
Markro92 Ciao, ci sono ancora problemi con il buffer di codifica OK no signal del beacon DATV
73 Antonio
Tony, dovresti abbassare il BB Gain fino a vedere appena la traccia. Prova a sintonizzare poco più basso o poco più alto in frequenza.
Tony, you should lower the BB Gain until you just see the track. Try to tune a little lower or slightly higher in frequency.
ciao lucio ok ho provato ma non va ho fatto tutti i modi!!!! magati il giorno di pasqua trovo la sopresa che vedo grazie 73 Tony ik1hgi
hello lucio ok i tried but not go I did all the ways !!!! magati the day of Easter I find the surprise that I see the DATV beacon thanks 73 Tony ik1hgi
Hi Markro92,
Per ricevere video in RB-TV (333/250 ks) come vengono impostati i parametri?..
IU2KAC: locking takes a bit longer, but otherwise it's the same as with other signals.
Set the symbolrate, check if you have timing lock, then enable carrier recovery.
Try high gain and damping values for carrier recovery for locking and reduce both, gain and damping when you have a lock and see a constellation. damping can go all the way to the left then, and gain should be low. If it's too low, you'll loose lock again.
After that you can choose LDPC settings. I recommend gain values of around 2.
@ik1hgi Tony: to your screenshot; is that really the beacon? i've never seen before that a transponder is cut off like that. there is a sharp edge, and that shouldn't be the case. It almost looks like DVB-T.
Hi Markro92,
have you tried to receive in RB-TV? ..
Can you post some scheenshot? ..
Thank you.
Markro92 Hi this is my computer .. you said you did a new version 2.0.7 for the problems of Tony ik1hg in the message N #120 i, has this point will not present more info I do not know where the problem
I have a PC for 2 years but to see a DATV Beacon I don't go and get another PC now if I find some opportunities ok but new I don't think so I have 3 PCs 64 and a 32 thanks 73 Tony ik1hgi
Oltre al faro, gli altri canali non li ricevono!
Qualche consiglio? ..