Connecting to a rtl_tcp server seems currently not possible, isn't it?
Software DVB-S demodulator
Hallo Peter,
vielen Dank für den Tip den LimeSDR abzustecken und wieder anzustecken.Leider hat das nichts gebracht. Ich habe auch versucht den USB Port zu wechseln,
das hilft leider auch nichts.Ich habe jetz mal einen Airspy-mini angeschlossen und damit geht es.
Allerdings stürzt das Programm nach einigen Minuten ab.
Ich kann es dann neu starten und dann geht es wieder eine Weile.
Viele Grüße
it works the problem was to press many times Enable... the other thing which I don't know for shortcut how to change the frequency for 1kHz step?
Maybe any line to see where need to be the signal ;)?
The QRG you can see here:
Enter frequency manually is more accurate.
You can also click in the gui with the mouse in the middle of the signal.
Hallo Matthias,
wenn die GUI abstürzt kann es sein das der Buffer vollgelaufen ist. So war es bei mir auch, passiert aber nicht mehr.
Aber das der Lime nicht geht wundert mich! Wenn er in der Console richtig funktioniert sollte er auch mit dieser GUI laufen. Ich nehme an du hast den aktuellen FDTI Treiber installiert und nicht den Zadig!? Bei Win 10 ist der eigentlich schon dabei.
73 de Peter
Good morning,
I prepared a tool to determine frequency in dvbgui, usable in Excel or in Open Office sheet. The tool is very simple, you have to insert "LO" (Local Oscillator Frequency) in a cell, and after insert the frequency readout in the BATC Wideband spectrum, over the peak of a signal. The tool eill get the frequancy that you have to insert in the dvbsgui.
Hope is useful for you.
73 Alex
Connecting to a rtl_tcp server seems currently not possible, isn't it?
Hi, sorry for not seeing your question:D no it's not possible at the moment, but i'll look into it.
The protocol seems to be very primitive, so i'll give it a go.
Thanks for the reply
Sounds great, thank you for your efforts...
73, Thorsten
hello I abandoned MiniTioune V2, with passion I'm checking the new dvb-s2 new program 2.0.12, with great pleasure now I receive the constellation, compared to the previous 2.0.11 a lot of effort, the passion pushes me in this program !! and I ask SWL - markro92 if possible in the future I can find a system to automatically activate the video, in the Linus system thanks to Nico de Roo gave me the opportunity to see, also the MiniTioune system has the video activation automatically, the only thing pleases in this is to see nice DVB-S2, now everyone is making an effort now that you don't see the vertical line, I wouldn't want some people to leave ...
73 Tony IK1HGI
Dear Tony,
cannot understood your choice. Mintioune is more sensible, compared with the dvb-gui and more easy to use. I recognize the great job of Markro, He has done something of special. But facts are clear, in my opinion there are some important imrovement to do in future. I don't know exactly if the DVBT Keys will be have the same performance of SERIT NIM Tuners, that was built exactly to receive the SAT band.
hello I abandoned MiniTioune V2, with passion I'm checking the new dvb-s2 new program 2.0.12, with great pleasure now I receive the constellation, compared to the previous 2.0.11 a lot of effort, the passion pushes me in this program !! and I ask SWL - markro92 if possible in the future I can find a system to automatically activate the video, in the Linus system thanks to Nico de Roo gave me the opportunity to see, also the MiniTioune system has the video activation automatically, the only thing pleases in this is to see nice DVB-S2, now everyone is making an effort now that you don't see the vertical line, I wouldn't want some people to leave ...
Anyway good luck.
@Alesandro ik4idy as I said I have Mintioune and like but do not like having the dish ready ... everyone takes his choice, I repeat does not like to have the dish ready, the work of SWL - markro92 spending zero € uro, did something special, I like the system is working on it, Alex you have Linux test also great performance dvb2 automatic video, my decision on the experiments that others do until today I had no problem to receive with DVB S2, give opinions and always a pleasure to help those who make and give small information, then why say that the program is not good !!! I don't like the ready dish and voila Mintioune I receive !!!!!
73 Tony ik1hgi my excuse I don't know how to write English
i was trying with sdrplay, but it does not detect , any idea. The software does detect RTL SDR
See my solution here from 7 Aug...
Item 349
Good luck tu 73
2.0.12 version crash after 3mn, here W10 Pro RAM 8Go, CPU AMD 3.4 GHz.
Idea ?
2.0.12 version crash after 3mn, here W10 Pro RAM 8Go, CPU AMD 3.4 GHz.
Idea ?
Hello Chris,
tried to use on an AMD the DVB S2 program does not work well, and has been studied of the CPU Model processor: Intel (R) Core (TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz you cannot have good quality results
73 ik1hgi Tony
DVB-S2 Demod GUI Version 2.0.12
CPU Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz
libairspy version: 1.0.9
libairspy num_devices: 0
Initializing 8192 work-queue buffers...
ResampelWorker: address is: 0x630e00, first member is at 0x630f00
creating debug file...
Querying CPUID...
Loading generic settings...
Available UI styles: ("Windows", "Fusion")
Applying UI Style 'Fusion' ...
Setting up GUI...
QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_debug_spinbox_valueChanged(double)
Switching mode to DVB-S2
Enumerating Devices...
Starting Worker Threads...
Worker thread started: 9FFTWorkerWorker thread started: Worker thread started: 9FIRWorkerWorker thread started: 10LDPCWorker, thread: 7, thread addr: 0x7dcf40)
Worker thread started: 14ResampleWorker, thread: 4, thread addr: 0x630ec0)
, thread: 3, thread addr: 0x62f900)
11DemodWorker, thread: 5, thread addr: 0x631040)
Worker thread started: 13ViterbiWorker, thread: 6, thread addr: 0x7db940)
, thread: 2, thread addr: 0x62f808)
Init Complete!
OK Thank's Tony
SWL - markro92 due giorni che faccio un test su Windows 10 non riceve grandi problemi !!!! i segnali non costellano nessun video condizionale e non vorrei tornare su win 7 e solo questo da sperimentare in futuro se si rende conto e mette anche la codifica dei segnali di Windows 10 ..... il sistema win 7 ha win10 inizia a gennaio 2020 e non risolvono informazioni su win7
73 Tony ik1hgi
ciao funziona bella delusione del VLC 3.08 a 64 bit npn funziona per me .... non vedendo il video subbito parla con gli amici che mi chiedono di usare la vecchia versione 2.21 a 32 bit ora ok funziona molto bene
73 Tony ik1hgi
Bonjour à tous,
est la dernière version dvbs-gui active avec ADALM-PLUTO
si c'est le cas, quels appareils
pour vos réponses
Good morning all, is the latest dvbs-gui version active with ADALM-PLUTO if so, which devices
Thank you for your answers 73s
Does DVBS2gui work also under linux?
73 F4FDW