I bought this filter last week on Ebay from SP2JYR. excellent quality and data. This I will add to my Andrew PA I am just building.
Here the link..4 more pcs availabe:
I bought this filter last week on Ebay from SP2JYR. excellent quality and data. This I will add to my Andrew PA I am just building.
Here the link..4 more pcs availabe:
Hello, no indication of Max Power ?
73 - Christian
Sorry Max Power information is not available yet.
How big would be the effort to move the center frequency of the passband a little bit to higher frequencies?
I do not have access to an analyser..
there are today 4 more available..
just received today:
shipped on jan. 22 and arrived today feb. 5 by trackable mail.
as far as I can measure:
freq. loss
2410 MHZ => - 5.5 dB
2310 - 4 dB
1985 - 30 DB
1700 - 50 dB
pcb size 25x38 mm
other measuremts are beyond my possibilities!
Here is the measurement of the filter I have. It looks simmilar to the picture from the advertisement. For WB some adjustments are needed:
Will you work out how to move frequency upwards for WB?
I found two cavity filters, the original parameters: 2400-2500. I adjusted them.The larger white final insertion loss is small - about 1db.The black one is about -2db
Hi...I use this exclusvely right now on 2305MHz. I have a new 400mW prototype and a 200mW prototype that I will be changing to in the near future as the 700mW is too powerful for the near flying I typically do. The true power output of the 700mW is actually about 940mW. You cannot remove it from its case or it will burn up. MASHTON has a 400mW prototype and DerekS will have one in a few days. They are going to be testing these as well.
The performance is very good compared to many other systems I have used. The receivers have a special filter inside them that helps with UHF interference for those using UHF for control. This filter was actually pioneered by H0tr0d, not me.
For 2305, I recommend using 2.3GHz specific antennas. For 2396, use either 2.3 or 2.4GHz. Both work well.
Sorry Max Power information is not available yet.
I have asked Ryszard about the max. power , he answered:
"HI Martin
The filter cooperated with an amplifier of about 50W.
Staszek SP6GWB made tests with 150W power
The maximum power is limited by the SMA connector ..."
This is a very good BPF with low attenuation and high max power.
Now I have to tune it to 2.4 GHz. We will see...