SAT Controller SDR Nano - CAT interface
For connecting FT-817 (CAT/ACC socket) you can use USB/TTL converter below (CP2102). Very nice: All handshake signals are available. It also works fine as PTT output from a seperate digimode computer. For this only one external diode in series is required to connect DTR signal to PTT input (DATA socket) of FT-817.
Could someone please advise me how to make the proper connections from my USB TTL converter (photo attached) to the ACC plug to the FT817? The pinouts on my converter are different from the ones in the devices posted by DL3DCW. If I understand correctly, the TXD pin on the converter goes to the RXD pin on the FT817 ACC plug, the RXD pin on converter goes to TXD on the FT817, and GND goes to GND. But what about CTS? My converter does not have a CTS pin, although there is a hole in the board labeled CTS. Am I supposed to solder a wire to the CTS hole and run it to TX GND on the FT817? Or something else?
Thank you for helping and 73,
Bill OM3BD