The problem is that it appears (at least here) that the lower beacon has also been adjusted down in level? I believe that now people are adjusting their power levels too much down to not be stronger than the lower beacon. The result: when I listened tonight the SSB signals are all too weak. I hope this is not the way it is going to be permanently.
Maintenance on the NB Transponder!
@Mike5000 - don't panic.. we need to exercise the transponder settings. However, your receiving condition seem to be marginal? What is yor RX station setup and antenna?
Power for both beacons was increased by +5dB some 20 minutes ago,,
My measures based on sdr console, the value of noise decrease is around 4 dB...
Good !
YES !! the difference is seen but above all is felt
good job !!
73 Vale
The beacon increase dramatically now receiving 9+15 !!! It has two small hills at his side..
ik4idy Yes, that is known. There are + and - 20 kHz noise skirts , measured/received by many. And .. from what I have been told, a fix is underway.
Great Job !
PY2SDR Seems to me that you still have around 10 dB transponder noise ? If that is true: "Wow!"
Hi Remco,
The BW you see is the SDRPlay BW after decimation. It is about 300 kHz. Transponder noise is about 2.4~3 dB above the LNBF noise floor.
73, Edson PY2SDR
ik4idy Yes, that is known. There are + and - 20 kHz noise skirts , measured/received by many. And .. from what I have been told, a fix is underway.
Yes, there is a known problem in the Uplink converter for the beacons, this is planned to be fixed this weekend.. so there will be interruptions on the beacon
ik4idy Yes, that is known. There are + and - 20 kHz noise skirts , measured/received by many. And .. from what I have been told, a fix is underway.
Thought i have not seen a spectrum plot of the beacon : Maybe it's a problem with the loop filter bandwith of the mixing pll - Might be that it is using a pfd frequency of 20khz ? This often leads to spurs of pfd freq or noise ears in the vicinity of the loop bandwith - Analog Devices has a good software tool calle ADIsimPLL to design loop filters for PLLs
Anyway great job of the hole Amsat team so far and great many thanks for hanging on -
It appears to be an improvement, the average station sounds much clearer and with better S/N.
My own signal was very marginal and I cannot make QSO anymore, but that is probably mostly because the uplink antenna is soaked in the continuous rain we had past week (it has started again).
I already noticed before the parameter changes I was becoming weaker and weaker...
And I do not feel like mounting the new feed right now, that will have to wait.
It is still pretty strong.
Hi Ed PY2RN ,
the earth covered by QO100 is now in shadow, i.e. less thermal noise? Could that be a reason? I noticed the same.. In addition, every 5-9 seconds I'm seeing a burst over the passband (only)... maybe radar? The horizontal small bands.. I changed some settings in the lower part.. an the tombstone same level as 2 days ago..
Anyone having similar observations?
73s Peter