no I know if I used the 2.4 gHz input + 10 dbm of the rf generator relationship between two and directivity
73 Roberto
no I know if I used the 2.4 gHz input + 10 dbm of the rf generator relationship between two and directivity
73 Roberto
Hi Roberto, it seems that you have 21.87 dB coupling and 35.89 dB directivity that are good values. You can verify with AD8302 these values if you put in generator -10dBm. You can measure the ratio for coupling and directivity. Also you can repeat my fault measurement and then put attenuators to fix it. The coupling value means that you have the forward power 20 dB less and the directivity value that you can not measure less SWR than 35 dB i.e. about 1:1.1
helloi George
I connected ad8302 and directional coupler in the absence of an RF signal, display, so I gave -10 dm in a directional coupler input terminated with a direct 50 hom load, then reversed the ad8302 inputs
73 Roberto
hello, I discovered that the directional coupler sma rg316 false contacts on the stocking and a hom 52 resistor do not work on the ad8302 board with what value I can replace it (I measured the other and 53 hom)
Hi, a pluto question. I try to setup a USB2.0 Ethernet AX88772 adapter but it does work. I try the adapter to my PC and it works. I also use a tested OTG adapter. Power is feeding the Ethernet adapter. The problem is that it does not light the ethernet link led at my switch. I put this config :
ipaddr_eth =
netmask_eth =
Any ideas - proposals ?
Hi it could be useful all the pc AD8302 purchased on ebay seems to have some problem of welding with low tin I found some broken escape capacitors according to what the laminate does not seem to be fr4 but poor in laminate as it badly attacks tinning I has already happened in the past this problem even the capacitors are of poor quality
73 de Roberto
Hi, a Amiko L107 was modified for external 25 MHz reference.
Results similar to Amstrad F101 was noticed (may be a little better wobbling).
Attention must be given not to shortcircuit the L+C with the case.
Hi, a Amiko L108 was also evaluated. The plastic case is NOT possible to be closed again. It is permanetly soldered and if is opened it is destroyed and is NOT possible to be hermaticaly closed again. Also the PCB that exists between metal cases is NOT sealeded with silicone. This must not be a problem if is used unmodified. Internally it has a 25 MHz xtal under the PCB. The only usage that I can think is with a POTY. I do not try to put external 25 MHz reference. It has good SNR, stability and woobling unmodified.
Hi, testing the new dual feeder with the Amiko L107 using the spare 80 cm dish. Is about 10 dB down from my 1 m dish due to : more loosy cable 1-2 dB, 3-4 dB due to dish and the rest must be due to offset from focal point of dish. Receiving is fine.
Hi, two more Amiko L107 was modified for external 25 MHz with similar results. No wobbling was noticed yet. SNR was about the same.
A feeder for 10-10.5 GHz. Is build with 22 mm copper tube (0.8 thick) 3 cm lenght 1.3 mm l/4 (0.6-0.7 mm) from bottom.
Hi, longer feeder working at 9.2 - 11.5 GHz.
Hi George, thanks for the previous technical support, I wish you new year's eve, I found this interesting link of f6bva converter 10 GHz up converter 2.4 GHz
73 de Roberto
Hi, a 15 mm pipe cap filter for 10 Ghz using guidelines from W1GHZ .
Insertion loss is about 4 dB. Probe lengths are about 3 mm.
BW must be about 200 MHz.
hi George , looking on the internet 2012 RA3WDK pipe filter 3cm loss 2.5 db
73 Roberto
Hi, Roberto, I wish everyone a happy new year !!!
It seems that I use the proper probe length. Maybe I have to investigate more why I loose 1-1.5 dB more. In these frequencies it is very easy to loose such power very easy. I also must cerfully measure it again. Thanks.
The target is to test a non LNB solution. I expect some ERA1 from eBay to do a *3 Lo from a ADF4350. The mixer exists and in shack looks promising. Inside shack for testing I receive 10.6 GHz from LNBs Lo when antenna looks at the window !!! What I expect to see is the SNR of the CW beacon that it will be archived.
hi George , looking on the internet 2012 RA3WDK pipe filter 3cm loss 2.5 db
73 Roberto
Hi Roberto, one of the probes was not fully inserted. After fixing it 2.5 dB loss is now archived.
Thanks !!!
Pipe cap 3 cm
I'm glad you solved it! 2.5 db good