Hi, anyone try this 1W amplifier ?
Hi George
Skyworks say:
Please note: SKY65135-31 is not recommended for new design.
Products and Product Information • March 28, 2007 .......🙄
73 de ON1RC
Hi, anyone try this ADF4351 frequency generator?
Hi George, I bought one two months ago, I measured the power of about 0 dm and since it uses the reference 25 mhz tcxo, I try it again and then I send you the photos (used to test my 2.4 ghz pa)
73 Roberto
A green dual Octagon LNB was modified for 25 MHz external reference. A damage was occured while opening it , a 78L05 was broken and it was replaced adding also a jumper wire as the PCB was removed. The L was added near the F connector and the C at the removed Xtal 25 MHz. The connection is with a teflon wire wrap cable. I was lucky and it was a single crystal one. About 3 dB SNR improvement was noticed. Also noticed a IF level increment of about 5 dB. The second output is ready for WB usage...
A WB LNB bias tee (18V) with 1 dB loss.
A green dual Octagon LNB was modified for 25 MHz external reference. A damage was occured while opening it , a 78L05 was broken and it was replaced adding also a jumper wire as the PCB was removed. The L was added near the F connector and the C at the removed Xtal 25 MHz. The connection is with a teflon wire wrap cable. I was lucky and it was a single crystal one. About 3 dB SNR improvement was noticed. Also noticed a IF level increment of about 5 dB. The second output is ready for WB usage...
Hi, maybe the 25 MHz must connected to the other xtal pin !!!
Hi, anyone try this 1W amplifier ?
hi George SV1BDS !
I just received the amplifier and would like to try it...but I feel like a monkey (or a donkey...as you prefer) because I don't know what to do with the two pins marked "EN" and "OUT"!!!
(the OUT pin could be the DC output of the internal detector...)
best 73
i2NDT Claudio
Hi i2NDT ,
It must be the Detector Out & Enable pins of chips. Links : datasheet , product summary.
Can you verify this ? My order has not arrived yet.
an Update to my QO-100-Station:
2 Offset-Dishes : 100cm with Bama-Feed and Kuhne-Down-Konverter, 80cm with modified OPTICUM-LNB
1. Kuhne-Down-Konverter + ADALM-Pluto + SDR-Console.
2. Modified LNB + AMSAT-Down-Konverter V3d (GPS) + IC-7300 (50 MHz) + WIN4ICOMsuite (Transverter-Mode)WB-RX: 2. Modified LNB + AMSAT-Down-Konverter V3d (GPS) + Minitiouner Pro2 + Minitioune v0.9beta
NB-TX: Ft-817ND (Tuned by SDR-Console) + SG-Lab Transverter + Att + SG-Lab 20W-PA (5W Out)
WB-TX(planned): LIME-SDRmini + PA (50/150 W)
vy 73, Martin DL9SAD
Hi i2NDT , does the amplifier amplify small signals without applying anything to EN input ? Normally without any input at EN must work and applying gnd or Hi is disabled. Can you ask also the supplier of the pcb for instructions regarding this pin?
UPD: next to the 5 pin chip is a LED. May be this is an enable LED. Is this lighting ? Is this connected to the EN SKY's ? What is the voltage of the EN SKY's ?
George SV1BDS :
problem solved!
the supplier answered my question:
Hello, sorry for not responding in time because of our Spring Festival holiday.
EN is the switch of the amplifier, the enabled state: 1.2-5v, the non-enabled state: 0-0.4v
Best regards,
it seems that he is competent!
maybe later I will ask infos on that "5 legged" IC...
„i2NDT“ sent you a message on AMSAT Deutschland e.V. Forum:
hi George,
I measured my amplifier and found out that its power output is only 25dBm for 0dBm input.
power supply was 5V and consumption 500mA.
I guess that the difference (they said 30dBm output) is due to the fact that the amplifier is powered with 3,3V (on board LDO regulator) instead of 5V as per the datasheet...
BTW there is no need for a big heatsink as the sky65135 doesn't heat!
best 73
i2NDT Claudio
Hi Claudio,
This mean that it takes 5V at the final stage and not 3.3V.
yes, but driver and pre-driver get 3,3V instead of 5V.
all measurements on the datasheet are taken with VCC1, 2 and 3 at 5V.
yes, but driver and pre-driver get 3,3V instead of 5V.
all measurements on the datasheet are taken with VCC1, 2 and 3 at 5V.