• Hi,

    Bad news, when I try to do it ad9364 it display Bad crc,using default environment and when reboot failed to get ready any more. Any ideas ???

    DD0KP I finally put the Pluto in DFU mode and upload pluto.dfu without success but when upload uboot-env.dfu it boots !!! Now it has 0.31 & modification. I hope that it will continue to work. Thanks again for your help !!!

  • HB9SKA Hi, I plan to buy one more at least and I want to verify quality before promoting more this LNB. It looks like very promising. I was using until now LSP04H from Globo and I want to ask you if it is the same as mine as I have seen that you have a same model from Opticum. Have you opened yours ? If yes is it the same as mine inside ?

    • Official Post

    HB9SKA Hi, I plan to buy one more at least and I want to verify quality before promoting more this LNB. It looks like very promising. I was using until now LSP04H from Globo and I want to ask you if it is the same as mine as I have seen that you have a same model from Opticum. Have you opened yours ? If yes is it the same as mine inside ?

    No, I don't open it. But it's possible that's the same LNB. Products with same model name can be distributed under different brands. I googled this one.


  • PA3FYM

    4957 14 31244 871 Locked 11 5143 250 125 31327 803 1022 -1 65535 65535

    4958 1 31244 865 Locked -13 5142 250 125 31327 797 1023 -1 65535 65535

    4959 13 31244 871 Locked 12 5142 250 125 31327 804 1024 -1 65535 65535

    4960 3 31244 870 Locked -10 5141 250 125 31327 799 1025 -1 65535 65535

    4961 12 31244 877 Locked 9 5141 250 125 31327 804 1026 -1 65535 65535

    4962 4 31243 873 Locked -8 5140 250 125 31327 800 1027 -1 65535 65535

    4963 10 31243 873 Locked 6 5140 250 125 31327 807 1028 -1 65535 65535

    4964 4 31243 872 Locked -6 5139 250 125 31327 802 1029 -1 65535 65535

    4965 11 31243 881 Locked 7 5139 250 125 31327 808 1030 -1 65535 65535

    4966 1 31243 877 Locked -10 5138 250 125 31327 801 1031 -1 65535 65535

    4967 11 31243 881 Locked 10 5138 250 125 31327 808 1032 -1 65535 65535

    4968 2 31243 878 Locked -9 5137 250 125 31326 801 1033 -1 65535 65535

    4969 11 31243 885 Locked 9 5137 250 125 31327 811 1034 -1 65535 65535

    TNX !!!

  • SV1BDS Perfect , did you calibrate it with h1 = 0 and h1 = 65535 ? From that you can calculate the gain of the algorithm.

    Your x10 looks nominal , just in the middle of the ADC range ( 0 - 1023 / 2 = 512 * 10 = 5120).

    Admit, that 12 U$ OCXO isn't bad at all, isn't it?

  • PA3FYM The internal resistance of ocxo is small and load the high Z output so I add a opamp buffer. I calculate the gain but I will recalculate it as I have to do some minor improvements.

    Yes very good equipment for this price !!!

    I am thinking of designing a PCB for this.

    If you want beta testers of your Lars improvements software it exist one more.

    TNX again !!!

  • SV1BDS My implementation of the Lars GPSDO is fed with 220V.

    A small 10V transformer -rectified, blah blah- goes into a 7808 (decoupled etc).

    The Arduino is connected to that 8V point, as well as the Ublox Neo 7M fed from 8V with a capacitance multiplier (with resistor divider in the base). The OCXO has a separate capacitance multiplier (with resistor divider in the base and the cap is 1000 μF, so the effect of the cap will be 100000 - 200000 μF or so). With a capacitance multiplier the capacitance of the elco is multiplied by the Hfe (or β) of the transistor and therefore denoising the power supply, which improves stability and/or phase noise.

  • PA3FYM It seems that its working ...

    11974 -21 33582 985 Locked 14 4804 1500 750 30197 853 102 0 0 0

    11975 -4 33582 1019 Locked 17 4805 1500 750 30197 864 103 0 0 0

    11976 -18 33582 989 Locked -14 4805 1500 750 30197 855 104 0 0 0

    11977 -17 33582 1006 Locked 1 4805 1500 750 30197 856 105 0 0 0

    11978 -32 33582 982 Locked -15 4805 1500 750 30197 847 106 0 0 0

    11979 -46 33582 1001 Locked -15 4804 1500 750 30197 839 107 0 0 0

    11980 -55 33582 970 Locked -9 4804 1500 750 30197 830 108 0 0 0

    11981 -57 33582 968 Locked -2 4803 1500 750 30197 833 109 0 0 0

    11982 -58 33582 989 Locked -1 4803 1500 750 30197 830 110 0 0 0

    11983 -54 33582 971 Locked 4 4802 1500 750 30197 832 111 0 0 0

    11984 -49 33582 969 Locked 5 4802 1500 750 30197 834 112 0 0 0

  • George, I filled in your contact form on your website, i.e. check your mail ; -)

    What gain factor did you determine with your OCXO?

    Edit: Made a screenshot of my contraption a while ago, see below. Note the large TC (941 s), an indicator that the stability is good, which is confirmed by a non varying DAC value (in my case the DAC apparently converged to 24029).

  • PA3FYM I did not received your email , even in spam , PLS send to call at y@h00.c0m.

    With h1 and h65535 I get (without order) 850 & -750. So I set 42.

    I stop increasing TC to 1500 not because I loose lock but in order to test other thinks. The DAC is varying no more than 2-3 . I archive this using a red one NEO6M that costs me 2.5 euro ...

  • Yes, the cheaper the GPS module, the better it works ;; -)

    With the normal software, when you have a long TC initially , then it takes ages for a lock.

    What I do is the following:

    1 warm up time = 10s (i.e. short)

    2 initially TC = 16 and wait for lock (usually few minutes)

    3 if lock, check every TC if there is a lock

    4 if lock and DEMA of nanoseconds is below certain value, increase TC with TC>>4 and goto 3

    5 if DEMA is above certain value, decrease TC with TC>>4 and goto 3

    6 if system once locked but lost lock (for whatever reason) halve current TC and go to 3

    DEMA = Double Exponential Moving Average (of the nanoseconds variable, i.e. differnece of the system vs GPS PPS

  • Lars says that had problems with red ones , I do not have at least with this one ...

    I hope is not the same as the LNB ... The first one is good ...

    Also I do need to use the NEO7.

    Yes at takes ages I was disapointed but I use a procedure similar to yours.

    I noticed that current of OCXO is high for about 2.5 min. It stabilizes the frequency at 5 min. So I put warm up time to 5 min. I begin also with TC 16. When the second field is takng positive and negative values alternative in the last about 10 values I try to increase TC. If it is success I leave it If it fails I return to the previous value and it locks. I have not loose lock yet. I increase in smaller increaments than you. When TC is bigger it takes more time to be ready for increament. If I loose 1 PPS or 10 MHz I start from the begining (TC=16). I noticed that as time passed it can accept bigger TC as far as the DAC value is stable. I want to test with a high TC to close the aircondition to see if it will loose lock ... I have not read the source code but I believe that such mods are relative easy to applied - I think you have allready done this.