New QO-100 Uplink Converter MK2 from DXPATROL

  • Hello dear SAT-friends,

    DXPATROL offers now a new upconverter MK2 for QO-100, lockable by an internal TCXO 10 Mhz reference or an external GPSDO.
    Local oscillator has now 4 factory pre-programmed frequencies for 4 IF usages . (28MHz, 144MHz, 432MHz, 1296Mhz), selection by dip switch.
    Also Antonio offers now a local oscillator upgrade for the "old" version of DXPATROL QO-100 upconverter.

    73 de Robert - DL5GAC

  • Thanks Robert for sharing - looks very interesting. As I'm setting up my TX section right now I'll take that into account....

    73 de Stefan, DL7SDI

  • Hi,

    my signal on QO-100 was a bit bad. Only 10-15 db above noise.

    Ich checked the Dish and the Helix and optimised everything. Other stations told me that with 2W in a 80cm dish the signal has to be stronger.

    Today i got a FLASH. My signal was 10 db stronger than yesterday and i changed nothing. Did someone change my PA? HI!

    Also this day i listened to a QSO. In that an OM told another that he had a DXPatrol MK2 an that it had a cold solder joint (kalte Lötstelle) at a sma plug. Oh, oh.... I think i had found my problem. Maybe it is of any help for another OM having the same problem.

    vy 73


  • My advantage was, that i had no idea what the problem with my weak signal is.

    I adjusted the sat-dish and the helix in an optimal position, but the signal was not very good.

    Now, after adjusting and soldering everything is doing well. Only with two watts in a four turn helical (LHP), pointing a bit lower of the center of the 80cm offsetdish.

    A bit lower was part of the optimisation.

  • In my experience with Dxpatrol is to bad.... 1st one I received the upconverter there is excess lead for all the smd components it's not cleaned after Soldering.... I used with my microscope and cleaned carefully.... And the 2nd one is Mmic inductor L5 is not soldered one side... I fixed that and working fine... The 2nd one also the excess lead is not cleaned. The 3rd one also the same and RF in capacitor C21 not soldered one side... 4th one also the same not cleaned the excess lead... I was wondering there is NO QC?

    Also the Dxpatrol products shipped without test.... All Dxpatrol users please check your PCB with Microscope are take a photo with your phone and see the PCB and verify before use....


  • I had also bad soldering(s) in my DxPatrol version one upconverter. Couple weeks ago I made few contacts, tx-signal was fading a bit, but then suddenly no uplink at all.

    I used magnifying clas to find suspissous solderings, ordered a new soldering station with a tiny little soldering head. Re-soldered almost all solderings... no tx power.

    Then finally I found (to day) it was the very first capasitor c21 next to input sma, that was not connected at other side, even it looked to be ok. Re-soldered that and bang I’m online again. Next I’m gonna change the wifi amp to 20w Pa from Rene pe1cmo.

    ... so, time to time it’s hard to find what’s wrong in the signal path..

    73 de ismo

  • DL5GAC

    hallo Robert, Hast du den MK2 in Betrieb und evtl. auch die 12 W Endstufe dazu? Da der Amsat DL Upconverter ja derzeit nicht lieferbar ist habe ich jetzt den MK2 Upconverter und die dazu passende 12 Endstufe bestellt. Soll angeblich umgehend ausgeliefert werden. Wird dann alles in passende Gehäuse eingebaut und danach erprobt. Hat jemand schon diese beiden Baugruppen im Einsatz?

    vy 73 Joachim

    • Official Post

    IMPORTANT, please note the manual regarding 28 MHz IF frequency selection!

    *Low IF input can increase the converter spurious emissions. Using this IF, some external Band Pass Filters might be needed between the converter and power amplifier.144Mhz and UP IFs are well recommended.

    Info about: 2.4 GHz bandpass

  • For some weeks i used the MK2 with 28MHz, but when i had another look on it with a good hf generator and spectrum analyzer i saw the 2400MHz -28MHz carrier was about 25dB down and the +28MHz carrier only a 10 dB!!

    Since that time i use a Ukrain 144MHz transverter between my ICOM 7300 and the DX Patrol MK2.

  • DL5GAC

    hallo Robert, Hast du den MK2 in Betrieb und evtl. auch die 12 W Endstufe dazu? Da der Amsat DL Upconverter ja derzeit nicht lieferbar ist habe ich jetzt den MK2 Upconverter und die dazu passende 12 Endstufe bestellt. Soll angeblich umgehend ausgeliefert werden. Wird dann alles in passende Gehäuse eingebaut und danach erprobt. Hat jemand schon diese beiden Baugruppen im Einsatz?

    vy 73 Joachim


    Hallo Joachim,

    ne, habe ich nicht, sorry.

    73 de Robert - DL5GAC

  • Hi,

    I am thinking to buy the PA from dxpatrol, because it will fit to my link budget calculation.

    I want to install it in a waterproof IP66 or IP67 housing and put it under the feed of my 100 cm dish.

    You can see on picture of dxpatrols webpage that the PA have not top cover and no mounting wholes.

    Does anybody have experience in using/installing this PA in an outdoor casing? Is it bad to use it there without top cover because of problems with humidity?

    73 de Dirk

  • Hello !

    I have the dxpatrol upconverter MK3 on the desk and i am getting no lock on external 10 MHz ref. and no output so far.

    I inspected the board and

    - the led for the 5v rail is not in and i am measuring 8 v

    - the output antenna socket has a short to ground.

    Connecting my FT-818 i am able to see a carrier on 1.968 MHz when i key transmit. One steady carrier, but much weaker is on round about 1.966 MHz.

    Any ideas ?

    73 Oliver