No waterfall on drift controll using the internal Geostationary Satellite Beacon add in
Hi everybody,
I am trying to use the drift correction in SDR Console without any luck.
The setup up is as follows:
- SDR Console V 3.0.9
- The geostationary satellite beacon add in is activatied inside SDR Console
Following the step by step console configuration described by Simon, G4ELI on his website, I am not seeing any waterfall of the upper beacon.
Could it be that this is caused because my RX f in SDR Console is 739.850 MHZ instead on the expected f of 10.489.800.000 Hz?
I already put in the converter offset as Down 9.750.000.000 but the f is not been adapted inside the SDR Console software.
Can someone please give me some ideas what to do to get it working?
Plase see the attached pictures.
Vy tnx es 73/55 de DM5TU - sTef