Greetings all,
I'm starting a project to internationalize and localize GNU Radio Companion for Japanese. This is being done to support JAMSAT. They have an active and growing GNU Radio community, and native language support would make using GNU Radio Companion a lot easier for them. This became very clear at the 2019 JAMSAT Symposium, during their GNU Radio Workshop.
I'm not an expert in adding language support, but I have learned how to do it! It's not hard. It's mainly tedious. And it requires a set of really good translations.
Bear with me if you already know this.
Adding language support to a program starts out with preparing the source code for multiple languages. This step is usually called "internationalization". It means that all the strings in the source code are marked. After that, a program is run to collect all these strings into a catalog. The catalog has the original strings plus placeholders for translations. This catalog is given to someone that can add the translations.
Now, this next step I'm somewhat fuzzy on, but you place the file in a location the program can find, add a class that supports translation, and re-build the project.
We (Open Research Institute) are starting work in coordination with GNU Radio Project, Free Software Foundation, and JAMSAT, on internationalization starting Tuesday 16 April 2019.
We talked amongst ourselves, and we'd like to know if AMSAT-DL would be interested in helping localize for German?
The lead architect of GNU Radio Project is German, and is very supportive. I speak intermediate German, and can help here too! But we will need more eyeballs to check the translations, and as GNU Radio continues to rapidly evolve, we will need to keep an "eye" on things and make sure that the translations stay up to date. Maintenance!
If you would like to be a part of this, or if you just want to express support (that's basically how we're paid! ) then please send me a DM.