It's not only the 2m and 23cm bands that are under study...pretty much all spectrum, DC to daylight and negative frequencies too, are within the sights of the mobile community.
Possible new allocation of the 144-146 MHz band
Was reading in the morning the docs published on the CEPT website from Ancara conference and I think IARU-R1 and DARC (as heard they were the most involved, but probably also others not to discriminate somebody) done a great job. The IARU view on the topic was written very professionally and the German regulator in their view used most of the facts from the IARU document. Probably apart the document there were many activities made by IARU. Finger crossed enough members will oppose to the French proposal. If understood well if we get 7 opposing the 2m band is safe for now.
Just wanted to point out how important is to be a member of your national amateur radio union. By being you also support IARU and we can do something against such interests. Unfortunately I'm afraid in the future there will be more and more interest by commercial users for RF spectrum and our bands especially VHF and above are the most interesting being easy to take away if needed by commercial users. So far didn't happen here but in US they lost part of the 220 MHz band due interests from the USPS.
Having our sociaieties we have some chance avoiding above from happen. It is like throwing bricks when you don't agree with something. If you throw them alone maybe you broke a window or two before the police arrest you. If an organization throws bricks is like "all their members" are throwing. Having many people trowing bricks is a different story and we have some power.
I'm also interested what will come out for the 23cm story. In the agenda is mentioned there is no intention to take us the band away but I'm afraid about power limits, etc… There is an IARU response on that topic too.
For quite the same reason have decided to become also an AMSAT-DL member. Since I like satellites it is how can give some small support to this activity. Probably without AMSAT organizations around we wouldn't have a single bird in space.
Best 73's!
Andrej - S57RW
There exists a "Coexistence Measurement Report" regarding the Amateur Radio Service and Galileo E6 in the frequency range 1260-1300 MHz by the BNetzA.
The RTA / DARC created an excellent team of experts, including an well known AMSAT-DL member, to study and analyze how different kinds of signals are able to coexists with the Galileo E6 spectrum. It's a amazing fantastic work!! It's always the best to convince with facts and numbers, although with some administrations in the world this never works.. But lets be optimistic... no need to send the "bricks" yet
But on 23cm we have not the problem of "coexistence" but of "switch off's" and power limitations. Read the latest article on AMSAT-UK:…-amateur-radio-23cm-band/
But on 23cm we have not the problem of "coexistence" but of "switch off's" and power limitations. Read the latest article on AMSAT-UK:
Hi Thomas,
That's not correct, this might be the opinion of the regulators from France, Lithuania, Malta, Slovenia and The Netherlands.
Other regulators may have a different opinion, including "coexistence"..
So far as I know, narrow band transmission is not a problem for well designed Galileo E6 receiver.
And honestly, headlines like "attacks to the Amateur Radio Service" as seen on some media are not helpful et all.
73s Peter
Hello again.
It is official now..
CPG-19 closed an hour ago.. Further documents will be published from CEPT webpage I suppose.
We can take a deep breath on 144 mhz issue..
And what about the 23cm issue (amateur usage in relation to GNSS) ?
At the insistence of the European Commission, a WRC-23 agenda item was considered necessary to address the world-wide protection of Regional Navigational Satellite Systems from amateur emissions in the band 1240-1300 MHz. A draft WRC Resolution was agreed which underlines the importance of this frequency band to the amateur service and explicitly excludes the removal of existing allocations as part of the proposed agenda item. (WRC Agenda Item 10)
GM all,
From the IARU R1 website:
CEPT CPG finalises its positions for WRC-19Category: Latest
Published: Friday, 30 August 2019 09:31
Written by Don BeattieThe CEPT Conference Preparatory Group met this week in Ankara, Turkey. Items of interest to the amateur service which were finalised were:
- Agreement to a European Common Proposal (ECP) on allocating 50-52 MHz to the amateur service in Region 1 on a secondary basis with a footnote listing those countries where the amateur service will have a primary allocation in the band 50-50.5 MHz (WRC Agenda Item 1.1)
- Agreement to an ECP on spectrum to be considered for International Mobile Telecommunications, which does not now include the primary amateur band at 47-47.2 GHz (WRC Agenda Item 1.13)
- Agreement to an ECP that retains the current regulatory position in the 5725-5850 MHz frequency band which includes secondary allocations to the amateur service and the amateur-satellite service (WRC Agenda Item 1.16)
- Removal of 144-146 MHz from a French proposal for study of additional spectrum for aeronautical applications. (WRC Agenda Item 10)
- At the insistence of the European Commission, a WRC-23 agenda item was considered necessary to address the world-wide protection of Regional Navigational Satellite Systems from amateur emissions in the band 1240-1300 MHz. A draft WRC Resolution was agreed which underlines the importance of this frequency band to the amateur service and explicitly excludes the removal of existing allocations as part of the proposed agenda item. (WRC Agenda Item 10)
- There was no change to the already agreed CEPT position on Wireless Power Transmission (WRC Agenda item 9.1.6). This states that no change is needed in the Radio Regulations to address the question of operating frequency for WPT-EV, but leaves open the question of spurious emissions from WPT-EV.
Commenting on the outcome of CPG, IARU Region 1 President Don Beattie, G3BJ, said that the IARU team at Ankara (the only representatives of the amateur service at the meeting) had presented clear and convincing arguments for the amateur service position and he was pleased that regulators had recognised the strength of the amateur case. He expressed his thanks to everyone who had contributed to the outcome at CPG.
The issues now move to WRC in Egypt in November for final resolution. IARU will be there.
Well, for now it seems that 2M band is safe, however we must keep an open eye to possible new spectrum requirements that might affect us.Regarding 23cm band, the issue has escalate to a new level and will be at the table on WRC-23.
Best 73
Regarding 23cm band, the issue has escalate to a new level and will be at the table on WRC-23
That's not correct. So far this is a proposal from CEPT. WRC-19 will decide on the Agenda Items for WRC-23.
That's not correct. So far this is a proposal from CEPT. WRC-19 will decide on the Agenda Items for WRC-23.
Thats right, my mistake.
Anyway the issue is on the table to be further discussed.
73 de CT2IRJ