Germany does not support the inclusion of the 144-146 MHz primary allocated to the amateur service/amateur satellite service in the proposed WRC-23 agenda item regarding a possible new allocation to the aeronautical mobile service for non-safety applications.
Possible new allocation of the 144-146 MHz band
DB2OS Thanks for the posting/link. From the information I (me, myself and I) have the Dutch administration (so the 'boss' of the German BNetzA) doesn't oppose to the French proposal .... Unfortunately the only person with in depth technical knowledge of radio (frequencies) at the policy department (Ministry, The Hague <-- they decide, not our BNetzA) passed away recently , so our lobby was/is unfortunately 'de facto' unsuccessful . . .
The question remains if the amateur service (not having a formal vote in the ITU/WRC in the end ... ) is able to convince others / administrations to 'reconsider this proposal'. -
The question remains if the amateur service (not having a formal vote in the ITU/WRC in the end ... ) is able to convince others / administrations to 'reconsider this proposal'.
That indeed will be the big question..
I also heard that this is a highly political discussion from the french administration, not really based on technical facts.. They want to make an example of it for other purposes...
Maybe time for sending Bricks...
This is how radio amateurs in germany 70 years ago did it..
(translated from…ortsverbaende/11/dl70afug)
"Bricks paved the way
The approval and legislative procedure by the military government took too long for the radio amateurs, because the foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany was approaching. One fears that after the establishment, the law about the amateur radio would not come off any more, since such a law would then have no priority. Therefore the radio amateurs took the matter into their own hands. They asked all radio amateurs to send a brick to the chairman of the Economic Council on 15 January 1949 with the note: "The brick serves to underpin the amateur radio law". The action was successful. On March 4, 1949, the Economic Council passed the law, which came into force on March 15, 1949 with the associated ordinances. It was done."
I was told the post parcel service needed a lot of trucks to bring the bricks to it's destination...
DB2OS, well that is some piece of history.
Maybe it is time to repeat that kind of action, not in Germany this time, but in some other countries.
Here in Portugal, we've managed to congregate some 26 local clubs and associations, and present to Anacom (our BNetzA) a document with our points of view in regard to the French proposal.
Anacom, has declared on a meeting on the 15th July that they will vote against the inclusion of the french proposal to the Agenda.
Never the less, and in face of the last developments, yesterday, the group of 26, issued a new document to be presented not only to Anacom, but also to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to the State Secretary of Communication, wich have the voting power on CEPT and ITU meetings.
I've just read Germany's view on the subject and it is a very good presentation of the possible mutual interference.…erman-view-on-144-146-mhz
73 de CT2IRJ -
This is the statement of USKA (in German)
More to read about threats of our bands:
I am right now on cpg-19 meetings as iaru region 1 observer.
Last night while France, Switzerland and Liechtenstein supporting art. 137, it has been rejected by Russia, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Czech, Finland, Portugal,Norway , Austria, Lithuania . Removed from further discussion topics. for now, 2m band is safe.
That is good news, but I thought the 2m section was a diversion for the 23CM's band and the new European GPS satellite service Galileo. That will have some major impact on navigation users.
Unless I have been reading the wrong articles, brain fade etc.
please keep it in mind that it is not officially approved yet.
We should wait for administrations final decision.
And please keep it in group for a while.
Where is the document with Art. 137 online available ??
I am right now on cpg-19 meetings as iaru region 1 observer.
Last night while France, Switzerland and Liechtenstein supporting art. 137, it has been rejected by Russia, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Czech, Finland, Portugal,Norway , Austria, Lithuania . Removed from further discussion topics. for now, 2m band is safe.
I have read now the above document and the statement of USKA and they clearly disagree. Now I'm confused about your statement, that Switzerland and Liechtenstein supports the proposal from France for a new allocation of the 144-146 MHz band. USKA and AFVL are closely connected.
Please enlighten us and keep us informed, Thank you.
I have read now the above document and the statement of USKA and they clearly disagree. Now I'm confused about your statement, that Switzerland and Liechtenstein supports the proposal from France for a new allocation of the 144-146 MHz band. USKA and AFVL are closely connected.
Hi Thomas,
USKA might disagree, but obviously the BAKOM does have a different opinion? Maybe you can find out why BAKOM was supporting France and not USKA? 73s Peter
Please do not contact BAKOM directly but rather get in touch with Bernard HB9ALH who is the USKA contact. He has been extremely helpful in the past with such requests.
I contacted Bernard, HB9ALH, and he confirmed, that the Swiss BAKOM (our regulator) is supporting the proposal from France for a study for a "co-primary" use of 2m HAM radio and Aironautical radio despite the appeals of USKA.
You can find it in German language as attachment.So I hope, I could put USKA in a correct light if you talk about "Switzerland has..."
Oops, the PDF-file is greater than 1MB. At interest I can send it by direct mail.
I wasnt in that meeting room for that particular meeting.. Probably miscopied the county names... Anyway.. please hold on until official announcement in 1-2 days..No need to ask anyone yet..
That's why I wrote "keep in group". But it seems it has no effect
I will wait for your official announcement here in the group.
To be aware, anyone can look at the CEPT documents which are well worth a read if you have an interest in spectrum issues. The current meeting of the CPM is here…ting-documents/?flid=8819
The "Temp" documents are working documents within the meeting in progress and are accessible only to members. The rest of the documents are public.
It's not only the 2m band which subject of study, but also the 23cm band. See this document.