The easiest way to adjust your dish and the screw angle of you lnb is to run in your shack the PC with Minitioune SW on it and start on that PC Teamviewer SW, which you can download for free in the internet. Then do the same on your smartphone with Android install Teamviewer there as well. This is the picture for your PC:
How to adjust best signal for the WB beacon on your dish
Now you can adjust the dish and the screw angle for best C/N MER with your smartphone.. without the need to put everything to your dish.
It is very easy.. and works perfect.. just try it.. you will be satisfied whith this option..
Danke Heiner
73 Jürgen
Did this Sunday morning in a similar way: Laptop with ultravnc. Or remote desktop will do the same but with sound.
Hope that I found my lost 0.8dB...
Teamviewer does it of cause also with sound on the smartphone..
Moved the thread from forum Hardware to forum Bandplan and Operating Guidelines. -
Hi Heiner,
I have been done exactly the same. This system is very simple and useful and it's the right approach to this issue.
best 73
This is not the best way to align a larger dish. The MER is a combination of uplink and downlink SNRs and also the transponder occupancy.
It is better to look at the level of the PSK beacon (level, not SNR! ) with your favourite SDR application. You can use teamviewer, you can use an SDR by the dish or an SDR and a server via WiFi. For example if you had an SDR Server running on your PC you can look at the signal with your phone by the dish without all the baggage of teamviewer.
This method allows very fine and repeatable detection of the signal levels. It also allows you to correctly set the polarisation by looking for the null on the opposite polarisation.