Hello people!
I have low noise FET's. Design not nessecary, because today in the net found a lot of applications. Only 2 questions :
If somebody here build dual stage FRONT-END amplifier?
if it possible to use FRONT-END stages from standart LNB, to connect RF OUT after 2-nd stage, were internal controller on default open bias voltages?
i have GERBERS for FRONT-END, but FR-4 it's will not working like i expect. In China can order few PCB for very low price in perfect quality, but ROGERS's cost very high, and not every manufacturer can do it.
In any case in my stock FET's ATF-36077, NE3210S01-T1B .
Few pictures of hands-on standart LNB to use it as FRONT-END only, BUT can't examine for gain level after upgrade, because AKD-12000 mixer not tested yet.