Nearly all sdr have a problem that they also receive the 3 times and 5 times (and above) frequency
means if you have your rx tuned to 740 megs (rounded up a bit) ... it also receives on 2.22 gig
since a few days a new tv transponder on the sat was switched on on 11.970 ...
minus 9.75 equals 2.220 ... voila we have noise on 740 megs
several ways to solve it
you can add a narrow 740 megs filter in your setup (there are saw filters available for that range)
you can add an "lte-filter" in the lnb cable (a 800 megs lowpass filter with dc feed trough)
you can add a 2.2 gig notch inside your bias t (just an inch of coax need as an open end stub)
i now have two of the above solutions combined (the lte filter PLUS the notch for 2.2 gig in bias t)
normally one of the three solutions should be enough but i got the lte filter after i added the notch so i left it in
spectrum now is super clear again
greetz dg9bfc sigi