How do I resubscribe to AMSAT-DL ?

  • .

    I sincerely appreciate all the hard work done by AMSAT-DL and last year subscribed and paid 120EUR gladly.

    I have by post received a renewal form. I am sorry but I cannot read German and of course Google Translate won't work on paper documents.

    Is it possible to resubscribe on line in English please ?


    Dave G4IUG

    Dave Cawley | Ex G8EAO & G6ANG/T |
    (when you had to have a separate TV license !)

  • Hi Dave,

    you can simply order your membership for 2020 through the AMSAT-DL shop.

    The text is in german but maybe one of the online translation tools might help you.

    If not I can guide you through.

    You start here: AMSAT-DL Shop

    There you click on:

    Then you go to "Warenkorb" and follow the checkout procedure.

    Thank you very much for your continuous support of AMSAT-DL. This is very important to us.

    Kind regards


  • Hi Dave,

    maybe there are more people who want to join and support AMSAT-DL, therefore here some more instructions.

    After you have selected the one-year membership for 120 Euro (see above) you go to "Warenkorb".

    There you should see the following screen:

    Then you click at "weiter zur Kasse" and should then get to this screen:

    Once you have entered your personal data like address then scroll down and you should see:

    Please note that you will have to pay using paypal. I hope that is conveniant for you.

    Here you click at "Jetzt kaufen" and you ordered the membership.

    You will get to Paypal to finish the payment.

    Please let me know whether it worked or if there are any more questions.

    I will be happy to help you.

    Kind regards
