My case for UpCon6W (Prototype)
Nice !
Were ist this case available ?
73, Martin DL9SAD
The housing is based on aluminum profiles from eNUC-SB1 case. The front and back panels are custom-made. Also the mounting plate so that no drilling is required. I also plan to make circuit boards for the main board (with USB converter etc. placed on top of UpCon6W) and LED mounting.
If there is enough interest, I will consider preparing some kits. But due to probably small quantities, unfortunally it will not be a "low cost" housing
It looks very good, i´m interested on a kit.
73 Joachim
Super clean setup.. very atypical for hamradio
Just a question: what cable are you using on 2.4 GHz and how long is it to the antenna feed (what antenna size?)?
Cable is 15m Aircell-7. Dish size is 85cm with Winkler 5-turn helix feed. Signal with this setup is 25dB over transponder noise.
Thanks for the cable data, so this is equivalent to a 5dB loss which give you 2W at the antenna. It may look like a waste of RF power but the beauty of not having any electronics outside has plenty of advantages.
Moved the thread from forum Hardware to forum AMSAT-DL Up/Down Converter.