Diavolo Quad LNB with external LO

  • Hello Sat Friends !

    After modification of lots of Single- and Twin-LNBs for external LO input and the use of them I found it uncomfortable to have only one IF output.

    So I decided to modify a Diavolo Quad LNB for external LO, which gives me 3 simultaneous IF outputs now.

    I use one for the NB-Transponder converter, one for the WB-Transponder converter, and one for a SDR-Stick.

    I wrote a complete modificationreport in my Forum for you.

    You find it at : https://elektronik-muenster.de…lnb-f%C3%BCr-externen-lo/

    Hope you find it interesting.


    Armin DF1QE

    I still know at which end to grip the soldering iron :)

    Edited once, last by DF1QE: Forum Link has changed ().

  • DB2OS

    Changed the title of the thread from “Modification of a Diavolo Quad LNB for external LO” to “Diavolo Quad LNB with external LO”.