Hello to everybody,
Today I can tell you that the complete story of my adventure will be published as a movie (a recorded presentation by me with slides and little video clips).
Due to the Corona problem world-wide the well-known HAMRADIO Fair at Lake Constance has been cancelled in April but since last week it’s "revived" as the new "HAMRADIOnline" which means at the weekend 26th till 28th of June there will be lots of presentations and work-shops ONLINE via YouTube etc.
On Saturday 27th at 13:00 local time we are showing the special presentation of my trip (it’s about 1 hour and 35 minutes), I’ll be in the background of that chat room. At the end I’m switching with my station to QO-100 for direct live QSOs and we'll have a nice and very special meeting with some real big and probably unexpected surprises.
Hopefully it will be another mile-stone on QO-100, stay tuned.
You can find the the latest transmission schedule of the HAMRADIOnline on https://www.darc.de.
I hope you like this information and would be nice to hear you again on the bird in two weeks time.
73 de Charly DK3ZL - AD8AS