and finally for 2020:
The Mars 2020 Mission (Perseverance Rover) launch is plannend for July 30, 2020 at 11:50 UTC (4:50 a.m. PDT/ 7:50 a.m. EDT).
and finally for 2020:
The Mars 2020 Mission (Perseverance Rover) launch is plannend for July 30, 2020 at 11:50 UTC (4:50 a.m. PDT/ 7:50 a.m. EDT).
Hey Peter,
Don't fly away !
Hey Peter,
Don't fly away !
You're right, I know a few other people on our planet Earth, who would be better sent to Mars first, or better just pass Mars.
I'll be back!
You're right, I know a few other people on our planet Earth, who would be better sent to Mars first, or better just pass Mars.
I'll be back!
Danke PETER ... (dass Du "back" sein wirst)
ich glaube auf der ERDE wirst Du noch gebraucht.... (für weitere projekte?)
73 de dg0opk
Hallo alle zusammen,
heute Start um 13:50 Uhr MESZ auf NASA TV Live Übertragung.
73 Josef
now Live
Ach du auch mit an board :-))
Die Anschnallzeichen sind gerade ausgegangen, ich sitze auf Platz 1A, komm mich mal besuchen!
SPACECRAFT SEPARATION! T+plus 57 minutes, 45 seconds. The Atlas V rocket has deployed NASA's Mars 2020 mission featuring the Perseverance rover on a 7-month, 300-million-mile (483 million km) trek to the red planet.
A camera on the Centaur upper stage sees the Mars 2020 spacecraft moving away from the rocket after separation (credit: ULA)
Successful AOS and telemetry from Mars 2020 at DSN antennas in Canberra and Goldstone.
Bochum is standby for local AOS of Mars 2020 at 1930h UTC.
Technische Probleme?
„...Die Trägerrakete mit dem Mars-Rover „Perseverance“ hat nach Angaben der US-Raumfahrtbehörde Nasa technische Probleme. Daten deuteten darauf hin, dass die Rakete in einen Sicherheitsmodus umgeschaltet habe, teilte die Nasa am Donnerstagabend mit. Möglicherweise sei ein Teil des Raumschiffs im Schatten der Erde zu kalt geworden.
Auch beim Aufbau einer Kommunikationsverbindung mit dem Jet Propulsion Laboratory der Nasa in Pasadena im US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien kam es den Angaben zufolge zu Verzögerungen. Inzwischen habe die Rakete den Erdschatten verlassen und die Temperaturen hätten sich normalisiert, teilte die Nasa weiter mit. Derzeit werde eine umfassende Überprüfung vorgenommen.
Der stellvertretende Missionsleiter Matt Wallace erklärte, der Vorfall sei nicht allzu besorgniserregend. „Das ist vollkommen in Ordnung, die Rakete ist glücklich“, sagte er. Die Atlas-V-Rakete mit dem Rover „Perseverance“ an Bord war nur Stunden zuvor in Florida gestartet. Für die 480 Millionen Kilometer lange Reise benötigt der Rover nach Plan sieben Monate...“
WELT Online 30.07.2020 20:58 Uhr
73 Josef
Well... the Media...
MARS 2020 was extremely strong after the S/C TX was turned on, when still very close to earth.
Signals were so strong, that Canberra had to use a 20 dB attenuator and the receivers were still over-saturated. It took an hour before the spacecraft was at further distance and receiver was able to have stable lock,
Obviously the spacecraft switched to SafeMode and due to the low telemetry rate first analysis of telemetry takes a while. Meanwhile they switched to 10 kb/sec.
Just a few minutes ago the DSN Groundstation in Madrid also locked on at 6° Elevation and is receiving data.
Remember, in space everything goes very slowly and there is no need to hurry or panic.. So you take the time and carefully analyze the data before you do something you might later regret..
So, they can communicate with the spacecraft, can send commands and receive telemetry.
The "safe mode" could be caused by a small glitch or very tight tolerances.
At this point we should not worry too much..
Yes, we are also currently receiving the signals with our 20m Dish in Bochum, which is remotely operated by Achim DH2VA at this moment.
73s Peter
Sorry, the article has been written by somebody who has no clue:
1) the launcher itself (Atlas 541) performed flawless
2) the mars probe (cruise stage plus attached rover in lander shell) went through eclipse and went apparently in a safe mode due to conservatively set limits.
Our analysis of the signal received in Bochum suggests that Perseverance is being taken out of safe mode as we speak. The downlink datarate went up from 39 bits/s to 10kbit/s, a good sign!
Just at this moment the DSN station in Madrid took over from Canberra and is now in control of Mars 2020. The S/C locked on the Uplink signal... Let's see what happens over night..
You're right, I know a few other people on our planet Earth, who would be better sent to Mars first, or better just pass Mars.
I'll be back!
Should be shot behind the Transpluto! Mars isn't far enough!