The receiving part of QO-100 was ready when the satellite was still on the ground. I planned two different setups. The first for the fixed station and a second one for the operations in /portable.
In the fixed QTH I mounted two antennas; 1 meter dish for the RX (Octagon TWIN LNB) and a second 85 cm dish for the TX, 4 turns Helix antenna.
All the equipment is mounted in the house and the antennas are 22 meters away. This is a choice made later, after checking the satellite in orbit. Everything is naturally ready to go directly under the antennas but at the moment it is not needed.
Some photos that give the idea. In the future I'll put the photos of the second setup not ready yet.
All the holes in the case, the mechanical works, were made by my friend Pino, IK0SMG.