Display MoreGood morning DD0CW and G8UGD
It was not easy to carry out this implementation, as the modulator is currently started automatically by the system and not through the button of the pluto.php page, which instead only checks the status after the start and indicates it on the screen.
We had to coordinate with Evariste F5OEO to make sure that at startup it now checks a parameter that will be written in settings.txt via pluto.php.
In this way you will be able to choose whether to start it ON or OFF.
Snipped ........
I hope you are satisfied with the change. Now you should no longer have problems with unwanted transmissions
See the example attached
73Roberto IS0GRB
Personally I would hope to never reboot Pluto with power to the PA system, but if it gives the options for home use and for portable use then it must be a good option.
Perhaps the settings.txt could be used to store many configuration options in the future such as the Minitiouner control and other future enhancements.
Question as I have not used any of the patches, but can I ask do they survive a reboot or power down back up again? Is there a how-to in making a patch, one I looked at had pluto.php saved in the /www directory and all saved in pluto.frm which was all in patch.zip. If that makes sense?
Again thanks for the hard work.
And a question where perhaps you need pm me, is there a donation to all contributors, I used to donate to Evariste when he was doing all the work, now there seems to be a team effort?