I have a brand-new General license and while studying for it I got interested in satellite radio communication. I’ve been reading https://www.amsat.org/introduc…rking-amateur-satellites/ and it seems like the right level of challenge for where I am.
I have been involved in Summits on the Air and wanted to buy an antenna for “chasing” from my home station on 2 meters. In order to also pursue my new interest, I got the M2 Antennas Satellite Antenna Packages SATPACK1. Reviews for that antenna (and the third and fourth articles linked in the above-mentioned URL) mention a preamp. The specification sheet for the MHP-145 illustrated in https://www.amsat.org/wordpres…Getting%20Started%204.pdf says that it is a “preamplifier for high power, up into the kilowatt range.”
I wouldn’t mind buying something that would also work when I buy a higher powered transceiver as described by https://www.amsat.org/articles/houston-net/amps.html. For instance, I found the Advanced Receiver Research preamps with 160 watt through power capability (which I’m guessing is different than “power handling capacity” or “operating voltage” times “power consumption”). However, for now what I need is something that would work with my Yaesu FT-60R/E. I’m guessing that what I need is a SSB LNA 200, but I’d like someone with satellite experience to confirm that.
Any suggestions about a suitable mast mounted preamp would be greatly appreciated. And, just to satisfy my curiosity, is there a difference between receive preamps and transmit preamps? It took me a while to realize that my Google searches were yielding preamps used for transmitting.