Hi all,
I already posted the same message on sdr-radio.com forum three weeks ago and got no answer, so I try on this forum... maybe I'll be more lucky.
I have a problem with SDR Console when I want to use my FT-817 or my FT-857 with external radio option. I receive the error message "Port busy" and/or "offline". To cancel it and make the external radio working, I have to remove and reinsert two, three times, sometimes more, the USB radio interface. Then it generally starts working BUT, at the same time, I see the CPU activity indicator passing from 2 or 3% to nearly 30% ! I dont understand why. I tested front or back USB ports, same problem. I even bought a powered USB hub, same problem.
My computer is W7 64 bits, i3 CPU, 4 GB RAM.
I will appreciate some help trying to solve this problem.
Many thanks and 73 !
Denis F6GKQ

Problem with FT-817 & FT-857 External radio
Hallo Dennis did you get Any answer About the Ft857d
I have the same problem
73 Johan on7uc
Sorry for delay, Johan, I've been a few weeks without reading the forum.
The answer to your question is "NO", I didn't received any solution to my problem. I learned to live and operate with this problem.
73 and enjoy QO-100 traffic !
You can't use a port 2times!!!
I use with my 7410 portsplitting... And it's works.... Without.... Conflict.
Sri burh not at my qth till end may and can give you the name of the software to split comports..... Maybe Google is your frien😉
Greetings from Ta4/
On7kec. Luc
Hallo Luc
tnx fr info
is the software VSPE
but can't find the correct setting
73s Johan on7uc
First of all... Your cat must works with trx and omnirig,... Extra rx with sdrconsole works via omnirig!!
ok i use omnirig to select comport fr catcontrol of the ft 857d
73s Johan
Hello tnx fr your reply
when i create a splitter i can not choose data source serial port
must i register to create the splitter
setting i cant select
73s Johan on7uc
I set the virtual comport to omnirig
So now you have set a comport to your rig at omnirig.... Exampel. Virtual comport com4.... Open omnirig and set the comport number to the virtual comport number here 4....if you start now sdrconsole.... With a sdrrx.... It start. Now you can activate the second rx and choose omnirig. In the settings you cn choose somewhere... Following rig... Sri can't see it without te software here on the phone hihi. I hope it helps a bit. Grts
Here is a video . Plug in your radio or usb-adapter first, install the drivers, then select the new device as the source port. Create a virtual port e.g. 10. Does not work like this on your pc?
73, Martin
Martin i see the cat control on com 5
how can i find the comport that is being used by sdrconsole ?
73s Johan on7uc
Here is another video
ON7UC/1 If you don't need a connection to more than 1 software , there is no need to split the port. Just find your com port number in the windows device manager and set sdr-console/omnirig to use that port.
F6GKQ : Try USBDeview to clean up / explore your USB-Connections. Delete old no longer in use usb devices .
73, Martin
Hallo Martin,
Thanks for your suggestion, I'll try to scan all USB connexions with USBDeview and clean them up...
73 from Denis
Denis Hello
Any luck with cleaning Up the usbdeview?
73 johan
iCH HABE AUCH Probleme,krieg das Omnirig mit dem FT-857 nicht ans laufen in der Console?