I'm running a beacon wspr on the NB QO100, the frequency carrier is 10489.568Mcs, the power output is around 50mw in a 6tr helix antenna/80cm offset dish, the TX is a raspberry device PI_A+, her clock is locked GPSDO, the WSPRPI software generates on 28.069500Mcs a WSPR msg , wich is sent to a locked DXPatrol up-converter input, the output is connected to the helix antenna without any amplifier.
What could be the right freq to use and also how could we report the spot from the listened beacon on knowing that there is no band know for QO100
Actually I use 2400,068Mhz working frequency in WSJT-X to spot the datas , this band is unknow by but it spot my datas.
You can watch my spots :…r&findreporter=&sort=date
Rene F6bir.