A new test 3 hours later. I receive the HS-beacon with approx. 23dBn and the lower beacon with approx. 37dBn. I receive a few pages of text, then an error message and then text again (see screenshot).
Hello Forum,
some OMs and me included, experienced more or less the same problem.
The software is running, all works like it should, hours / sometimes days. BUT sometimes only minutes, then the "DOS box" closes and the "GUI" can´t decode any longer but is still running. You can click everything, change settings etc.
So it looks like only the "Modem" part is closing, no automated restart, and while the GUI receives no data, it can´t do its magic.
Have you experienced the same?
Maybe you can offer a solution?
Is there a debug mode we can start to "see" what causes the modem crash? Found nothing in the wiki.
Thanks for help.
I got exactly the same issue. After few minutes of operations the DOS box crashes and of course the GUI stops receiving.
Very annoying.
Any idea?73 de Béla HA4BM
here it works without any problems
errors may occur if you have not received all data (but soft should not crash)
use WIDE filter on receive, tune exact that the small peak is on the mark and your station needs to be stable in frequency
then data receiving works fine
here it works without any problems
errors may occur if you have not received all data (but soft should not crash)
use WIDE filter on receive, tune exact that the small peak is on the mark and your station needs to be stable in frequency
then data receiving works fine
Well, I set 3.3 kHz BW...it still fails. See attached picture. Modem IP has gone...
What bandwidth would you recommend?
Actually I use BATCs NB receiver over the Internet. That should be stabile. -
my Pluto is GPS synchronized and the sync peak is right on the "Ref"- point. The hsmodem stops as soon as the message "1 user logged in" appears in the HS window.
this time the HSmodem program ran for about 30 minutes before it stopped again with the above message. The HTML file was also displayed flawlessly until the stop. -
3,3 kHz should work fine, but I think your frequency is too low.. the reference carrier (the small peak in the spectrum) should be between those little red bars. Once the Modem is locked, you should see a clear constellation diagram..
Is there a LOG file I can enable to see what happens before it closes?
I don't know, guess need to look into the source code.
I know Kurt DJ0ABR is working on improvements, perhaps others will join..
3,3 kHz should work fine, but I think your frequency is too low.. the reference carrier (the small peak in the spectrum) should be between those little red bars. Once the Modem is locked, you should see a clear constellation diagram..
I think I could stabilize the system:
Using the BATC NB receiver, BW 3.12 kHz, QRG: 10489993.27 Khz
also I replaced the audio cable to this :
https://vac.muzychenko.net/en/download.htmI run the lite version.
Now, it runs quite OK for quite some time.
3,3 kHz should work fine, but I think your frequency is too low.. the reference carrier (the small peak in the spectrum) should be between those little red bars. Once the Modem is locked, you should see a clear constellation diagram..
Many thanks for your advise. I think now it works with the settings as I posted.
73 de Béla HA4BM -
after a restart the HSmodem ran for about 2 hours without crashing.
However, the message "recvfrom error: 10040" was displayed about 15 times in the hsmodem.exe window. -
Hi Rolf, yes - I've seen this "recvfrom error: 10040" also, but I ignored it
not sure what it means..
73s Peter
I don't know, guess need to look into the source code.
I know Kurt DJ0ABR is working on improvements, perhaps others will join..
Well, however the pervious settings improved the reliability, still after an hour of operation the RX crashed. This was the last screen snapshot with the very last message before it closed the DOS window:
I trust that the developers can fix this annoying feature.
after a restart the HSmodem ran for about 2 hours without crashing.
However, the message "recvfrom error: 10040" was displayed about 15 times in the hsmodem.exe window.About the same here. It ran for longer time then earlier but in the end it gave it up...so did I...
you tuned a bit low (the tiny bip on left should be at the red vertical mark) ... and your level is a bit high (set it in the red square area)
3 kc bw is enough but should start from 0hz!!
for safety 3.2 is also ok
I did a quick research on "recvfrom error: 10040" .
Found: This usually means that the buffer you provided to recvfrom() was smaller than the incoming datagram.
So maybe a issue the author can fix easily just by providing a bigger buffer .
I don't think this will crash the program, but data will be lost.
I think the buffer size is defined in udp.cpp in this section:
CodeRXCFG rxcfg; memcpy((uint8_t *)(&rxcfg), (uint8_t *)param, sizeof(RXCFG)); int recvlen; const int maxUDPpacketsize = 2048; char rxbuf[maxUDPpacketsize]; struct sockaddr_in fromSock; fromlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); while(*rxcfg.keeprunning) { recvlen = recvfrom(*rxcfg.sock, rxbuf, maxUDPpacketsize, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&fromSock, &fromlen);
So if you have this issue , replace 2048 with, say 4096 , recompile and see if the message is gone
But I may be completely wrong and maxUDPpacketsize must decrease instead.
73, Martin
Edit : Link removed, no newer participants over a longer period
Please do NOT participate if the program works with no errors but you can not decode data. This is a different cause.Please set a green checkmark for the OS you use if hsmodem runs without issues.Set a yellow mark if it runs without crash but displays errorsSet a red mark if it crashes or doesn't run at all.You can edit your choices any time.Thank you
Here is a link to a poll.
Please do NOT participate if the program works with no errors but you can not decode data. This is a different cause.
Please set a green checkmark for the OS you use if hsmodem runs without issues.
Set a yellow mark if it runs without crash but displays errors
Set a red mark if it crashes or doesn't run at all.
You can edit your choices any time.
Thank you
Thanks for the poll. I tested both Win10 and Win11... both crashes. Maybe under Win11 it runs longer.
I had problems using the browser Edge, after changing to Firefox I had no more crashes.
Kind regards
Hi Matthias,
could you please tell how to change the browser to Firefox on Win10? I have tried to create Firefox as standard browser, but I was not successful.
I too have noticed crashes of the DOS-box and the application stops. Have tried different scenarios, e.g. stating the app as administrator. But no success.
tnx es 73
could you please tell how to change the browser to Firefox on Win10? I have tried to create Firefox as standard browser, but I was not successful.
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