Hi all,
I'm back, after lots of works new 160cm dish is on, also the .2 degree reolution stepper closed loop rotor is in place over
the pole. ready to start O100 and moon bouncing operations.
Hi all,
I'm back, after lots of works new 160cm dish is on, also the .2 degree reolution stepper closed loop rotor is in place over
the pole. ready to start O100 and moon bouncing operations.
The rotor is home made, 30Nm designed by me and engineered by Fausto IK4NMF, no encoder.
Caming soon 50w 10ghz PA for Moonbouncing.
I'll use Kune 10GHZ transverter and preamplifier. They are very small and completly configurable.
After lot of design, build and testing I'm back to this forum.
I've now finished the Laminas 160 offset dish installation and setup.
I'm now receiving DL0SHF with WSJT using Q65-60E with 11db sun noise and 0,8db moon noise and WSJT -9db signal strength.
See the latest rx form here https://www.facebook.com/share/v/14M7Le1xGi/
I'm now receiving Q100 becon 9+20db even the feed is vertical with no skew for moon European receiving.
Next step will be to setup the Tx chain using a Kuhune 60w 10Ghz Pa already purchased.
The rx equipment in the garden is the following:
-Laminas 160cm offset
-Spid Big Ras HR 0.1 degree A/Z resolution.
-IOJXX 10Ghz offset feed.
-Kuhne 10Ghz very low noise preamplifier N/F 0.8db and 22db gains
-Sma to WR40 transition.
-1 meter WR90 flexible wave guide to have the transverter as much as it is possible near the dish to reduce rotator Zenit load.
-WR90 to sma transition.
-Kunhe 10Ghz to 144Mhz transverter hawing remote band switch for Moon and QO100, 10368/10489 MHZ.
The rx equipment on the shack is the following:
-Icom 9100 full option.
-Microham Usb interface III.
-Windows computer.
-WSJTx 2.6.1.
Attached here garden picture.
Next post coming soon
-Spid/Dish mount hardware.
-Total power with Sdr dongle for Rx systsem receiving efficiency measurement and tune.
-Self made 10ghz test sets.
-Dish optimization technique.
-10Ghz 60w PA for WSJTx tx.
Here under some pictures taken during Rotator and dish mounting.
I use to be alone during operation so I've used a radio controlled elevator.
Total power software with an SDR dongle it is the best tool to measure efficiency using sun and mon noise.
It has an integration with PstRotator to move automatically the rotator.
I did lot of experience preparing a measure environment with the following Evaluation board;
++++++++++++++++++ Module specs +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+Vtune da 0-+13V
+Supply 5V 55ma
+Out 2-5dbm
+Driwer ALC 1NL55 ALS01-0021
+Max input -24dbm
+Amplifier Microwave Wideband 2.7-13Ghz - 10 GHZ +26 DBM (gain 51 db) TESTATO
+GUADAGNO oltre 50 DB
+Va fissato su aletta di raffreddamento
+Divider Pasternack PE2021 7-12,4 GHz 10 W SMA
+RF splitter divisore di potenza a 4 vie
+Max power 10w
+7-12,4 GHz
+I-Loss 1db
+50 ohm
+Sma Female
+Isolation 16db
+Frequency counter BG7TBL
+25mv-2V rms
+ -20 to +13 dbm
+Double dir coupler Sigateck SCC2015143
+Frequency Range: 7.0-12.4 Ghz
+Coupling: 20.0 ± 1.20 dB
+Insertion Loss: 0.80 dB Max
+Directivity: 15 dB Min
+VSWR: 1.35:1 Max
+Power Incident: 50 Watts
+Power Reflected: 50 Watts
+Power Peak: 3 KWatts
+Power meeter AD8317
+55db dynamic range
+1Mhz to 10Ghz
+Rfin -50 to 0 dbm
+Supply 3 to 5,5V 22ma
+ -22V/db
+I0JXX 10Ghz Offset Feeder
+Center frequency 10368Mhz
+100w max
Se the pictures with all the measuring network.
For sure at least a very good bolometer with at least 70db dinamic range it is required.
I had lots of difficulty to find feed position, I've an offset dish with F/D 0,65 with the W1GHZ diagram you can see as less as the F/D is lower as much as the feed tuning is critical.
last but not least the transverter and the preamplifier.
I've also tested a WR90 preamplifier with a RFHamDesign WR90 Feed.
I did a small rempote controller to switch from QO100 and MOON 10Ghz frequency.