• Official Post

    from OPUSAT-II Team:

    Amateur radio operators can uplink messages to OPUSAT-II, and can downlink them by FM downlink. Therefore, Amateur radio operators ALL OVER THE WORLD can share massages through OPUSAT-II.

    OPUSAT-II (HIROGARI) mission description 1

    We will conduct test operation of the message box on the following schedule.

    June 18, 9:47pm - June 19, 4:18am

    June 19, 10:34pm-June 20, 3:28am


    The informations needed to join this service (such as command format and generator, uplink/downlink mode and frequency, decode software) are available on the following link.

    https://www.sssrc.aero.osakafu-u.ac.jp/hrg_amateur_mission/#/ 1

    OPUSAT-II transmits FM only when command uplinked, which means OPUSAT-II usually transmits FM only over Japan(because we uplink mission command from Japan).

    But during conducting message box service, it transmits FM on other areas if amateur radio operators join the service and uplink message box commands. (Uplink command which is not from us is acceptable only when conducting message box service)

    I would like lots of amateur radio operator all over the world to join.
