IC-905 with 2.4GHz and more....
Nice, but unfortunately not usable for satellite operation as a standalone unit - not full-duplex.
Why do people always think that every single radio useful for satellites has to be full duplex?
Where is this misconception coming from?
Yes, it is helpful to have everything in one radio but not necessary at all. There is nothing wrong using two radios (RX, TX, RX/TX) for satellite ops. So many folks do this every day!
I was only commenting that it is not usable as a standalone satellite transceiver, because that's what people are wondering - nothing more, nothing less!
Sounds good! Was just wondering. Thanks!
At 10Κ € is too expensive…
At 10Κ € is too expensive…
Someone tells about that quotation, is a "undefinited price". We are waiting for the official exit on the market to evaluate the real price. Estimation of the price are : from 3000 to 4000 UDS or EUROS. The 10 GHz Unit could cost 1500-2000 USD or EUR.
9999 USD is crazy, but if someone reached madness...
Someone tells about that quotation, is a "undefinited price".
YES the price today is 99,999.99!!! at Wimo very nice. I don’t know what marketing games are but I prefer instead the TBA (To Be Announced).
Thank you Alessio for the notice.
This is a software based "number-filler". Nobody will pay that price.
"Nothing is eaten as hot as it is cooked"
Let's wait and see the real price. it will be just fine
One can say a lot about Icom, but they are not stupid.
Nice, but unfortunately not usable for satellite operation as a standalone unit - not full-duplex.
I was impressed with the frequency coverage of IC-905 and bought one this summer....
It's the easy way to access higher bands where I had a lot of up/down converters and amplifiers in my setup (also pluto SDR with a lot of additional hardware) all replaced with this single unit....
But, as Peter mentioned not having a dual watch capability is a bit limiting factor on practice... even on QO-100 with a modified LNB (directly IF to 70/13cm) its not easy to use, somehow I am used to full-duplex mode on satellite operation....
I didn't have a chance to go through the schematics to see if this SDR radio can have a split full-duplex capability (transmitting on one band/antenna while receiving on other band/antenna)... But if ICOMreleases a firmware that can add this capability, this radio will be an EXCELLENT Satallite radio for LEO/GEO satellites as well.....
Anyway, having access to higher bands easily for tetsing some homebrew is a good capability as well....
Maybe we can push a few feature requests to ICOM like;
- dual/split watch
- DATV (at least with low symbol rates)
- Xverter frequency display (I believe this is a missing must for IC-705/IC-905 to be used as IF radio)
Does anybody have the maintenance/service manual or schematic details of IC-905 ?
73's de TA7W/OH2UDS
Baris Dinc
Hello Baris,
you are right, but I'm wondering if it's possible that a firmware solve the full-duplex needs. This is an hardware issue. The full-duplex must be developed since the start of the project. They wanted intentionally a RIG, without full-duplex, to sell 9700 without "in home" concurrent.
This is only marketing, isn't it ?
Hi Alex,
You're right.... I would like to keep the hope that in this Software based radio they have the hardware in place but the software is limiting
I am chasing for the service manual to see what the hardware side looks like, BEFORE OPENING IT
I am really suprised that both 705 and 905 don't have the transverter frequency display function
73's de TA7W/OH2UDS
Hi Baris,
yes I agree with you. Icom never provide a function for transverter. Kenwood win the prize, because TS2000, TS255 and 455 (and more rig) have this function. It was nice to use TS2000 and read the relative right frequency on the display (2400,300-10.489.800 ;).
Icom seems don't have radio amateur in their engeneer staff
Now I have IC9700 I'm so happy about this rig. No regret to loose TS 2000...