I'm setting up my QO-100 station and everything was working perfectly for reception for few weeks only since the SG Labs preamp and amplifier still haven't arrived.
After connecting and installing the U.FL-SMA plug and inserting the commands to change the reference signal to "external" from the LeoBodnar GPS, my adalm-pluto no longer accepts connections over the network with the SDR-Console. I also unable to connect via direct USB to PC although I have access via ssh with putty to the IP.
I use LeoBodnar GPS with lowest output power and 50MHz clock that go to Frequency Divider board that I build to get 25MHz for LNB as well.
I've been trying to find help on the internet for 1 day, but nothing seems to work, and I need help if any friends here can help.
I collected the diagnostic log and the result of some commands, which I leave below:
Welcome to:
______ _ _ _________________
| ___ \ | | | / ___| _ \ ___ \
| |_/ / |_ _| |_ ___ \ `--.| | | | |_/ /
| __/| | | | | __/ _ \ `--. \ | | | /
| | | | |_| | (_) /\__/ / |/ /| |\ \
\_| |_|\__,_|\__\___/\____/|___/ \_| \_|
# fw_printenv | grep correction
# fw_printenv attr_name
# fw_printenv attr_val
# fw_printenv | grep correction
them I run this command: iio_info -n pluto.local
Library version: 0.24 (git tag: v0.24)
Compiled with backends: local xml ip usb serial
ERROR: Avahi Resolver: Failed to resolve host 'pluto.local' : Timeout reached
IIO context created with network backend.
Backend version: 0.24 (git tag: v0.24)
Backend description string: Linux (none) 5.10.0-98231-g9dfba10b795d #54 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jul 11 14:38:48 CEST 2022 armv7l
IIO context has 9 attributes:
hw_model: AnalogDevicesPlutoSDRRev.C(Z7010-)
hw_model_variant: 1
hw_serial: 1044734c9605000d17001c00deb64fe162
fw_version: v0.35
local,kernel: 5.10.0-98231-g9dfba10b795d
uri: ip:pluto.local
IIO context has 1 devices:
iio:device0: xadc
10 channels found:
voltage5: vccoddr (input)
2 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: raw value: 1821
attr 1: scale value: 0.732421875
voltage0: vccint (input)
2 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: raw value: 1373
attr 1: scale value: 0.732421875
voltage4: vccpaux (input)
2 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: raw value: 2451
attr 1: scale value: 0.732421875
temp0: (input)
3 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: offset value: -2219
attr 1: raw value: 2622
attr 2: scale value: 123.040771484
voltage7: vrefn (input)
2 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: raw value: -4
attr 1: scale value: 0.732421875
voltage1: vccaux (input)
2 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: raw value: 2451
attr 1: scale value: 0.732421875
voltage2: vccbram (input)
2 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: raw value: 1375
attr 1: scale value: 0.732421875
voltage3: vccpint (input)
2 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: raw value: 1370
attr 1: scale value: 0.732421875
voltage8: (input)
2 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: raw value: 3287
attr 1: scale value: 0.244140625
voltage6: vrefp (input)
2 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: raw value: 1702
attr 1: scale value: 0.732421875
1 device-specific attributes found:
attr 0: sampling_frequency value: 961538
No trigger on this device
My config.txt file is:
# AnalogDevicesPlutoSDRRev.C(Z7010-AD9363)
# Device Configuration File
# 1. Open with an Editor
# 2. Edit this file
# 3. Save this file on the device USB drive
# 4. Eject the device USB Drive
# Doc: https://wiki.analog.com/univer…s/pluto/users/customizing
hostname = pluto
ipaddr =
ipaddr_host =
netmask =
ssid_wlan =
pwd_wlan =
ipaddr_wlan =
ipaddr_eth =
netmask_eth =
xo_correction = 50000000
udc_handle_suspend = 0
# USB Communication Device Class Compatibility Mode [rndis|ncm|ecm]
usb_ethernet_mode = 0
diagnostic_report = 0
dfu = 0
reset = 0
calibrate = 0
I have attached the diagnostic file.
Any way to roll back the Pluto for Factory defauls settings or RESET everything to default and start again from scratch?
Appologize for long post, I understand is quite boring to read this kinds of posts, I learned a lot here before decided to build my own QO-100 Station, and I have help from some of you too.
Appreciate your time if you read until here. Hope to have my Pluto back.