i am trying to test a simple setup with a helical antenna, hs242036t1 4w amp and nanovna as a cw source. i had the amp and feed (snowcone) mounted to a 2.4m dish and can verify rx. i was hoping to activate the setup for a second to see a 'scratch' appear on the downlink waterfall but nothing showed. also the current draw from the amp 300mA did not rise on the nanovna input. the helix showing 1:1.3 at 50.3 ohm. the only other microwave source i have is a ysgm232508 vco but im thinking this will be too unstable. so can someone please suggest ways to a: test the amplifier using the nano vna v2, and b: use the nano vna to verify the quality and frequency of oscillator, c: test the 2.4ghz bandpass filter. sorry if these are dumb questions but i am new to working with anything above 70cm, and of course i dont have funds for high tech test gear. ps. rtl sdr with tcxo is rx and only good to 1.7ghz