Hi I have to calibrate a helical illuminator with my nano vna v2 I think it's one of the first versions I wanted to update the firmware but from the official website I can't understand which one is the right one
downloaded the version nanovna-v2-20201013-v2_2. firmware
and firmware version NanoVNA2-20200328
I don't know which one is right?
73 by iw5bsf Roberto

there is a group for nanoVNA V2 users:
You can ask there!
good luck
i2NDT Claudio
ok thank
Roberto iw5bsf
Hi Roberto, can you post a screenshot of your NanoVNA? The initial one: Config/Version
ciao, Lucio I8LYL
hello Lucio Unfortunately I can't take a clear photo, it's blurry
menu config >version
Nano vna 2_2
SN: 35554639-000443333-35343234
Software copyright@edy555 et a1
Version: git20201013-32077fd
Build time oct 13 2020 04:35:10
Port info: gd32f303
Board: nano vna v2_2
Has fpu:yes
Hi Roberto, unfortunately the group of designers who had developed the NanoVNA SAA2 separated for commercial reasons. As a result, there was no longer any official firmware development. Then there's the matter of the clones and here we go to another endless field. From your photo I assume it's one of these. If you accept the risk of loading this firmware that I attach you will have a new, much friendlier tool. Otherwise you are left with the old firmware which still works fine.
Hi, I received my nanovna from tindie, it should be the first original v2 series, I always have the invoice taken in June 2020
I downloaded the update from the official site but I was wondering if it was the right version. Thanks, I will try to load the firmware you sent me.ciao grazie
I'll try it then let you know
I just loaded the firmware you sent me but if I restarted not automatically the white screen remained I had to turn it off and on again and is this normal? I see it works
Hi Roberto, there is still an active link to your NanoVNA. Exactly what you bought, I mean.
sorry, do you mean in the firmware? inside the VNA (unfortunately I didn't note down the firmware version when I purchased it) after a few months I updated but then I had doubts whether it was the right version
see the last one attached at the bottom
I tried to load version 20200328 but in the smith menu the screen is white with dashes, it seems that this version has problems
Roberto, forget about the possibly obsolete documents. You should refer to this page paying attention to the version and screen size. As you can see, the image alone is not enough to identify the hardware. Not to mention that some have the device packaged while others sell it "naked". I was wondering if you have a link to the product you purchased. Could this one circled in red be yours?
Thank Lucio
mine was bare, without a case, purchased here official store nano vna v2
https://www.tindie.com/stores/…oup/?utm_source=sidebarIt should be what you indicated, the exact 2.8 screen as indicated on the back of mine, I will download the firmware, let's see how it goesshould I put it in a plastic or metal case? I don't like the two Chinese sma
73 de iw5bsf Roberto
updateI installed v2-20201013-v2_2. firmware
Unlike the SAA2-220830 version, this one seems to work fine
and decide which one to leave -
That's fine Roberto. Stick with this firmware if everything works as expected. For the case, metal would be preferable, if you can find it on the market. Or see if one of these is right for you.
Thanks, in any case the SAA2-220830 version also seems compatible. I keep the firmware. I checked the Amazon link and they don't seem to fit. I will try to see if I have metal cases for the SMA is it better to use adapters? SMA F/M I see differences with and without
I prefer N connectors which are mechanically more robust than SMA connectors. SMA connectors are excellent but for fixed wiring that does not require continuous screwing/unscrewing. In any case I advise you to do the calibration with cables inserted so you will avoid straining the NanoVNA connectors. In practice, instead of calibrating on the VNA connector, do the calibration on the cable provided and that will be your calibration point. I hope I have explained myself.
yes perfect thanks Lucio