Low signal?

  • Hi all,

    I am trying to get my first QO100 station working.

    I attach above pictures. I can hear the CW beacon just, but almost no SSB activity.

    I can point the dish using the very faint signal, I am happy it is in the right direction.

    I can also do the same for skew.

    I replaced the 75 ohm coax with some M&P coax which helped a little.

    I replaced the coax link from the Pluto plus to the power injector and also the output one also.

    SDR software will beacon track ok, the two lines are quite faint however.

    I appreciate the dish is quite small - I did try the slightly larger one, but the improvement was marginal at best.

    Any help gratefully received.

  • Thankyou - yes I used the batc one. I am happy the direction is ok. I can move the dish angle and lnb skew to optimise, but still have very low signal....

    It is the very low signal that I would like some help with, Unfortunately I having nothing to compare with.

  • Is it easy to remove the POTY and move the LNB to the focal point of the dish and try that? I am not very trusting of those plastic cones on offset dishes. In fact I think prime focus are a better bet for the satellite myself, you don't get rain down the POTY and you don't need to mess with the cone things :) The dish is probably marginal in size too...1.2 meter is a nice compromise.

  • Thankyou for the replies.

    Yes I can remove the POTY - I will give that a try over the weekend.

    It is fed with 12v. I turned the LNB to calculated -19 degrees and that is where the signal is strongest.

    I didn't look for the DATV transponder, but can do that at the weekend.

    1.2m would be nice- not sure I have space for it.....

  • Hallo M0MDS (name?),

    there is something basicly wrong with your receiver.
    What is the current consumption of the LNB? There must be much more signal even if the polarisation is false. If you switch on LNBs supply, the noise floor in the SDR Console gets up. Don't care about the skew angle, this is a further step. All the settings for the Console are correct?
    Did you ever try to receive terrestic signales with the Pluto, VHF-, UHF Relays for example.



  • It's hard to see, but the tube of your POTY does not look central in the circumferential mount. Is it? If not you could carefully try wiggling it into a different position and see if the signal improves. These things are pretty critical to get a decent signal.

    I am sure it does, but have to ask just in case ... :) The POTY tube does go through the red cover on the LNB and butt up against the alloy of the LNB's body itself, doesn't it?

    Can you test everything bar the dish and LNB on someone else's known working set up, locally?

  • Thanks Everyone,

    To answer the questions.

    1. Yes the POTY tube is pushed all the way into the LNB. I have another Bullseye LNB arrived this morning, So can test this weekend without POTY.

    1b. I made a slight offset mount for the POTY as it needed to clear the arm. Does a few mm make a big difference?

    2. Noise floor definately changes if you power off the 12v to LNB, so it looks like it is working.

    3. I can pick up FM Radio and local 70cm repeater loudly with a small piece of wire in the antenna port.

    4. It would be great if I could try someone elses setup but I don't know anyone local with a QO100 station.

    5. I read you can change the jumper settings on the Pluto Plus to use different firmware from the Adalm Pluto. Will try that also.

    6. It may be possible to borrow a Adalm Pluto for comparative test also.

    I hope to have a 1,2m dish on loan over the weekend, so will be able to try that also.

    Mike M0MDS

  • Saturday 30th Nov.

    Thankyou for all the great comments.

    So this morning I removed the POTY and used a new Bullseye LNB on the smaller (sky) dish.

    I was able to just hear GB3RS (538) in a qso giving a IO91PX grid ref.

    Also heard F6?BH on ssb and IK2GRA on CW (579).

    Although very faint - this is a good step forward.

    The s/n ratio is still very poor, but at least it sort of works.

    The SG pre-amp and amplifier arrived this morning also, so might give that a try later.

    Mike M0MDS

  • It'll be interesting to see what a different dish brings to the table. I put a friend's brand new "high quality" 1.2 meter dish on the surface table and it was so far away from being flat around its circumference as to being a joke.

    If you have access to something of sufficient area that you know is flat it's worth checking prime focus dishes as apparently not many are very flat, (even before they've been through the courier system's free of charge crash testing schemes).

  • Hi,

    i guess you trigger LEILA, because your transmit signal is too strong. This must be avoided in any case.
    If you do not know what LEILA is, read about it on the amsat webpage.
    Please fix your RX issue first, so you can check your own transmission.

    To find out if your LNB+ Pluto setup works reasonably well, remove the LNB from the dish and point it towards the satellite.
    You should be able to receive the CW beacon, not loud, just above the noise floor.

    73, Armin

  • If for whatever reason your receive set up is far inferior to your transmit set up (which seems to be the case), you can monitor signals, including your own, here: https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

    You can then ensure you are not transmitting too strong a signal as well as compare your reception with that of the public WebSDR receiver at Goonhilly

  • Thanks for your comments.

    I do not think I am triggering LEILA. I know my signal is currently very inferior.

    The dit dit noise seems to be created by using "TUNE" in SDR Console instead of "TONE"

    I have the use of a different setup today, and the results were pretty identical.

    Thankyou all for your assistance. I am hopeful to have it all working over the Christmas break.


  • Let's have some more questions. When you connect the LNB (even if it isn't pointed to anything) there should be a significant raise in noise level. Is that the case?

    I am worried that the conversion gain of the transverter setup is simply too low. The noise level is mostly set by the preamp inside the LNB, any gain/loss beyond should not matter much because the LNB preamp created a noise floor. I am a little worried about reports that the cable between LNB and SDR matters much - it shouldn't.

    Second, keep in mind the signal levels above the noise floor is "only" 20-ish dB - that is, compare the signal level of the beacon compared to the noisefloor on the Goonhilly WebSDR. Which means that on a calibrated S-meter, a maximal signal is only between 3-4 S-points stronger than the noise level. Which is plenty for SSB communication - just don't expect S-meter needle-bending signals when operating QO100.

  • Hi all,

    Firstly sorry for radio silence over the last few weeks.

    Also a huge thankyou for all the comments.

    So here are the updates.

    Firstly I do have it working.

    Photo above is the 1,2m dish with cone antenna and bullseye lnb.

    I get a S7 signal from the slow cw ident. SSB is quite readable also.

    On TX I get a good strong signal using the tune function in SDR Console.

    I could probably hold a qso easily if I set up my headset onto the laptop, which I shall do in the next day or so.

    I did manage half a qso with DK1KQ using the built in speakers and microphone on the PC but the audio feedback was terrible of course.

