Hello all,
I use my FT991A for low orbit Sat's.
The FT991A is connected to Satpc32 via com port 19.
I log with Log4OM and use Omnirig V1.20 because my FTdx10 is also connected to Log4om on com port 20. When I change bands the all is automatic, freq change etc.
I want to do the same with my FT991A, now I manually have to set the frequency's and mode in my Log4OM.
I know it has someting to do with the com ports, but I cannot find what is the problem.
I have installed com0com software, did create some some ports but can't get the frequency's automatic into my Log4om.
See picture first picture is FTDX10 connected and I see the frequency from the radion second picture is FT991A and no connections.
How do I have to set the comports in Satpc32 and omnirig ?
All info is welcome.
Thanks in advance, 73 Rudi / ON7CL