AMSAT-HB: The HB9RG Trophy - Celebrating the very first Amateur Radio QSO via satellite
Dear AMSAT Family,
We are excited to announce that starting this year, AMSAT-HB will award the "HB9RG Memorial Trophy" in honor of Dr. Hans Rudolf Lauber, who held the callsign HB9RG. Dr. Lauber was a true pioneer in VHF/UHF/SHF technology, and we are proud that AMSAT-HB can continue to carry forward his legacy by using his callsign.
The HB9RG Memorial Trophy will serve as a reminder of Dr. Lauber's positive contributions to the amateur radio community, and it will be awarded across various disciplines. The first discipline in this competition will coincide with a significant anniversary.
On March 10, 1965, HB9RG and DL6EZA successfully completed the first amateur radio QSO via satellite OSCAR-III. To celebrate the 60th anniversary of this remarkable achievement, AMSAT-HB is hosting a two-week-long competition.
You can find the details and regulations for the competition on our website:…rg_trophy_2025_-_distance
This event will particularly appeal to those radio amateurs who are passionate about roving and DX. Additionally, on March 10, we will be active on various bands and operating modes under the callsign HB9RG.
We look forward to your participation and hope you will join us in honoring the legacy of HB9RG.
Best regards,
On behalf of AMSAT-HB
Michael Lipp, HB9WDF
President AMSAT-HB