Just wanted to try GQRX under Windows and installed the bundled GQRX with Pothosware (latest release) and followed the instructions on: https://github.com/pothosware/PothosSDR/wiki/GQRX
When I start GQRX.EXE, nothing happens.. no error message, no logfile, nothing..
When I try to run PothosFlow I get this error:
The only tool which runs without problems is CubeSDR
Someone having an idea?
pe1chl The first computer I played with was an MITS Altair8800 computer which my brother got for little money from someone in Hamburg who bought it from the US as a kit, but never got it working. My brother found the short in the power supply and other bugs quickly.. Just looking like in this youtube video:
Since you had to enter the program using the switches on the front panel, you learned to write short Intel 8080 assembler code.
My next computer I designed and build myself, with Motorola MC6802 CPU in it and the first static CMOS RAMs. I remember I pay a hell of money for the chips, never told my parents how much. Everything was build using this manual wiring technique (Fädeldraht) which became very popular at that time. I used the computer to write code for my first self designed and build VDU controller which was connected via RS232 and had a video controller and 6802 in it. Everything was Assembler indeed. Than I found and bought an BASIC interpreter from US, the same which Bill Gates used in his garage, but he was more clever than me. I got it on tape cassette or I had to type-in the whole code from the book by hand and than store it on tape.. don't remember anymore. Later I had an ATARI 1020ST with GEMDOS and all of that. Than I had several ATARI400/800 because I became involved in AMSAT-DL and Karl Meinzer DJ4ZC developed all the IPS software for the on-board computer from P3-A, OSCAR-10 and so on with these computers. They were originally for gaming, but the hardware architecture was brilliant and Karl put his IPS software developing environment on it. The ATARI800 were used also for the ground and command stations to control and operate the P3 satellites. Well, this is still the best part of the history.. later I also needed to have a PC running MSDOS, first Windows 3.1 (because during my university study I was developing software for a big company, which is actually my employee now). I also worked with Linux, because I did'nt like Windows so much.. Netwinder 275 the first ARM based computer from Canada. But I also could not avoid Windows and never completely switched to Linux.. But I have at least a few Raspberry PI's running Linux