Dear sir:
How is possible connect correctly the Adalm-Pluto to SG Labs 20 watts amplifier for send DATV to QO-100?
73,s de Jabi, ea2aru.
Dear sir:
How is possible connect correctly the Adalm-Pluto to SG Labs 20 watts amplifier for send DATV to QO-100?
73,s de Jabi, ea2aru.
EA2ARU this could be a solution for you:…amplificateur-24-ghz.html
I just completed a new grounstation with the SGlab amplifier and their upconverter, works like a champ in my opinion, see also:…ble-set-up-for-oscar-100/
At 13V I measure around 5.5 Watt CW output.
I do not know how accurate my meter is.
Has anyone tested the sglabs PA at 12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26/28 volt?
Thanks, Henk
Hi Henk,
all the best for 2022, good DX and #staysafe.
Here please find my table of measurements I made with my setup last year.
TX is a Yaesu FT818 driving the SG Labs up converter and than pushing the SG Labs 20W PA.
If you have further questions let us make a sked on QO100 to talk about my results.
The measurements where made by using a Siglent SSA3032X Spektrumanalysator.
73 de sTef - DM5TU
Hi Stef,
Thank you so much !
A very useful overview.
I highly appreciate your effort to create this table.
Best regards,
Display MoreAt 13V I measure around 5.5 Watt CW output.
I do not know how accurate my meter is.
Has anyone tested the sglabs PA at 12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26/28 volt?
Thanks, Henk
You can take it to 28 Volt, I run it at 24 Volt.
You can take it to 28 Volt, I run it at 24 Volt.
PA1EJO, we (PE1GLX and me) liked your 12 to 24v converter, and we just bought this as well. Our transverters are finished, no space left, so we will use it as an outside box.
PA1EJO, we (PE1GLX and me) liked your 12 to 24v converter, and we just bought this as well. Our transverters are finished, no space left, so we will use it as an outside box.
Kijk anders even op mijn website of de Electron van Nov 2021, suc6