SG Laboratory Ltd: Power amplifier for 2.4GHz up link
When did you order the PA? ... I have already emailed SG-LAB several times but I don't get an answer ... And the website still says "coming soon"
Delivery times takes 5-6weeks at the moment for 13cm stuff.
inbetween now a few OMs should have some experience with the SG-Lab-PA:
What heatsink do you use?
Thank you.
73 Robert - DL5GAC
It depends on the use, the type of emission and the TX / RX period.
I used this heat sink I already had and that is enough for me. Hristiyan LZ5HP told me that up to 70° the PA is safe. Better not get to those temperatures.
I8LYL former I0LYL Lucio I am using the same PA since nearly two weeks now..laying on a metal garden table as a heatsink Temerature is arround 55°C here
Hristiyan LZ5HP is not very communicative ... PA ordered April 26 , paid , announced lead time 4 weeks ..I have already emailed SG-LAB several times but no answer ....Silence radio ....
Hristiyan LZ5HP is not very communicative ... PA ordered April 26 , paid , announced lead time 4 weeks ..I have already emailed SG-LAB several times but no answer ....Silence radio ....
I think most people don't have that experience with Hristiyan LZ5HP (certainly not me), I mailed him a few times with questions about the TR2300 (13cm transverter), I always received an answer within 1 day! Finally ordered 1 and he told me lead time is about 7~8 weeks (on May 4), I will receive an email when mine is in stock then I have to pay via PayPal...
Best regards, Frank PH2M
How lucky are you Frank to have received an answer .... for me it was a gift ...... and have a good trip with Turkish Gület 'GanGan' ...73 de Chris ON1RC
Sometimes LZ5HP does need time to answer. More business, less answers. I had no answer after 4 weeks done my payment, but my transverter arrived as promised.
So lean back and don't bomb him with emails. Eastern European hate that.
Best 73,
Wilm -
no offense taken by me, and I'm pretty sure, no offense is taken by SG-Labs. Just lean back and be surprised what piece of electronics art you receive. His goods are masterclass.
OK, communication is an issue, the goods are not.
Some people are focused in communication, others build fine goods.
So all good
Wilm -
same here ordered Transverter and PA on 10th March, get deliver time of 4-5 weeks. After some mails to get status about 6 weeks after order I got notification on 30th April it should be send out that week, at least I got the shipping notification with tracking number on 23rd May. So hopefully it will arrive before the public holiday next week.
Anyway from what I read, saw and signals heard from stations using it I'm sure it is worth the waiting time.
Hello all,
I have got my SG Labs 20-Watt-PA yesterday. I like the feature of measuring the input and output power as well as an SWR estimation by measuring a voltage.
What feedthrough capacitors would you recommend?
It should be a small diameter feedthrough capacitor and it would be great to have a metric thread, so that it could be directly screwed into the PA housing.
TNX, best 73
Holger ‚Geri‘, DK8KW
Thanks, Chris, I just ordered a few pieces.
Vy 73
Holger ‚Geri‘, DK8KW
Hello all,
For those of you who want to equip the SG-Labs 20 Watt PA with the additional voltage outputs to measure input (DRV) and forward (FWD) power and estimated SWR (REF), here are a few pictures showing that it is an easy task.
What is needed is just a 2.5mm drill, a tool to cut the M3 thread and steady hands. Wiring is also easy.
As you can see, I operate the PA with a 12 Volt to 24 Volt up-converter that I found somewhere on the internet. I mounted both devices on the same aluminium heat sink.
Here is a detailed data sheet of the L4030-034N
Vy 73
Holger 'Geri', DK8KW
PA3FYM: I got them here, at an online shop in the Czech Republic (thanks to ON1RC, see message above): https://www.hamshop.cz/electro…enzator-1nf-300v-m3-i352/
Delivery time was about 10 days.
Best 73
Holger 'Geri', DK8KW