Posts by DM4DS

    Hello Dominique,

    can you tell me how I can use AV1 with it?
    I´m using a Nvidia RTX GPU, able to do AV1 but all I can select is still up to h.265.

    Streaming AV1 via ffmpg works fine to the pluto.

    Thanks for your work
    Sandor - DM4DS

    Edit: multiple OMs asked me about AV1 - guys, please post here, so Dominique sees your interest in AV1, thanks

    Hello F1EJP and F1FAQ,

    for recording I analyzed the videos with VMAF (netflix) - and the difference in filesize at same quality is brutal! A video I made for Youtube, 4k h.265 with 2.7G is only 760M in AV1 , same VMAX analized quality!

    This should 1by1 the same for streaming with AV1! I say should while I have not yet counted the traffic in the LAN.

    I use ffmpeg udp streaming - maybe you can implement this in the tool until the mpeg-ts things are sorted? Or is it the different? As I said, I´m no programmer/coder. So maybe i stupid question.

    while I no longer have the Intel GPU, i tested with CPU encode and must run lower presets now or realtime is impossible. much lower presets even on my Ryzen9 5900X which isn´t a bad CPU - without multithread ffmpeg it would be impossible. Also my i5 13600k is strungling on higher presets :( but is is still better than h.264

    I hope you can implement it soon. It will have a massive impact in DATV for sure!
    They way it "compress" at non blocky images is always hard to believe, still after all my testings.



    not all members and readers are in the Whatsapp group or do follow me on twitter, where I published multiple results about the AV1 codec and how big the benefit is for us, doing small bandwidth DATV. That´s why I now publish some pictures and results here or recommendations like the GPU´s. You don´t have to spend 1000,-bucks for it!

    Maybe you have never heard of AV1 before then in short I can say: this is the future, also for commercial usage. It is open source! better quality at same bitrates, resulting in lower streaming bandwidth or filesize. This sounds magic? It is :)

    At the moment I´m using udp streaming via OBS (v29) to the pluto for uplink and minitiouner --> vlc for downlink. OBS v28 I think was the first version which supported AV1 but i recommend to update to the latest.
    RTMP i am not able to get any stream, yet - i have read that there limitations but for me it is simply not working. If you have tested and it is working, please contact me.

    first i tested only software encoding, because I had no hardware which supported it. But in the last weeks I also was able to test hardware encoding with one of the new Intel GPUs. The "cheapest" A380, 130,-€ the time I am writing this can do the job in hardware. I also had the chance to test on the A750, much more expensive and no real benefit for us, so don´t spend the extra money if you are only interested in AV1 encoding. As expected, the hardware encoding is almost "no" stress to the system and with system I mean CPU or RAM / HD. Software encode is a different beast! With the different presets AV1 comes with, the results are from "OK" on my AMD Ryzen 9 5900X & Intel i5 13600K up to full locked 100% CPU load and stuttery video!

    So be patient which preset you are selecting are your system maybe locks or slows done to a point you are almost unable to recover!

    as comparison I attach 2 pictures from a 500kbps test. h.265 and AV1 at "preset 8" - i had to compress them as maximum quality JPG, or the filesize would be too big for the upload rules here in the forum.

    But You can still easily see which one is which. The pictures are made at high speed head shaking. Is it not hard to see the h.265 "blocks" compared to the much more smoothing character of the AV1. both are at 500kbps, including 64kb audio! a real cenario for the #qo100 #datv transponder. What you can´t see on the pictures is the fact that after movement, AV1 does much faster "recover" to a great blocky free picture. Not sure I should descibe it. You must see it. the difference is really huge.

    Many OMs asked me for an easy setup but while I´m no coder, I can not help with a ´one-click-solution´. It is not hard to setup, but i think the most OMs now using tools like FreeStreamEncoder or DATV Easy and do not know how to configure a UDP stream as we used it almost 3 years before the "fancy" gadgets were available. Don´t missunderstand me, but reading 100 words should NOT be too much to understand what you do, if you are broadcasting on a satellite. As I heard, after my results were published, there are coder(s) in the work to implement AV1 in an update of the tools, the most are using. I hope that I heard right!

    Maybe in few days/ weeks everybody can do it super easy by just clicking AV1 in a GUI, that would be great. But without official messages from the "coders" maybe YOU, if you can do it, wanna do the job and give something to the community. many OMs are waiting for it, after they have seen my results.

    If you wanna play with AV1 like I do, you can download the codec from the official microsoft store if you are using windows, for free. As I said before, it is open source. there is also a linux one, i downloaded it but have not seen any benefit so I rebooted back into windows. Apple/MAC i don´t know, but I´m sure there is also one available, cause this is the future.

    I publish this while I´m sure that a lot OM´s have not heard about AV1 now and the benefits for us. Maybe there is a coder reading this and decides to write a GUI, as I said before, I´m no coder and can´t help at this front and there is no official message from on eof the "tools" programmer yet , as I know.

    Our hobby is such a great and amazing playing field and AV1 helps us. so please look into it and if you can, help the OM´s like me who can´t write fancy code, even mine is running. there is no "I" in HAM or DATV, so all should benefit from this amazing AV1 codec, not only me. I am watching DATV a lot the last months and weeks and never have seen ONE single OM testing AV1, yet. I asked if someone wanna do tests together but they only asked for a GUI like DATV easy and were not able to tx :( This has to change! :)

    As always I hope that my hours of testing and figuring out how it works without helpers bumped our hobby into i good direction. Doing this as group would be so much more fun. Come on guys! YOU CAN DO IT.

    AV1 is not that new, I still don´t know why nobody of the DATV gurus have looked into the AV1 before and why I have to push this so hard? Me not that often on DATV QRV but the moment I have seen the first article and the low bitrate cpabilities of AV1, I understood the benefit for our hobby and started to think how we can use it and it really is a hugh step forward. I have to bump this.

    AV1 is the future. it is open source - so there are no fees for the industry! it is better in quality / compression at same bitrate, results in smaller filesize at same quality etc. Twitch, youtube, amazon, all are onboard! They safe bandwidth at streaming / storage without loosing quality. no one wanna look 720p again :)

    ok, enough. I hope this inspired a coder to write a GUI for all OM´s interested. OR an OM who knows a coder to annoy her/him to do something for the masses.


    Hello Peter,

    we do exactly what you described and yes sometimes it runs for days. sometimes only a few minutes and i sound like a vinyl, I am not alone.

    the "debug" window, i call "DOS Box" or the "modem" . This one closes without error, schwups, just gone.

    Then the GUI receives no data and idles.

    Is there a LOG file I can enable to see what happens before it closes?

    Tested it without opening any browser, same problem. Tryed to start it on different monitors, same problem. Compatibilty mode, same.

    So I think it has nothing to do with the browser.

    If there would something like a LOG-File, i could check the last events.

    This sounds like the same problem we discussed via the sat the last days.

    I posted it in the HSModem Thread some minutes ago:

    And no, we have no solution yet.

    It happens on WIn10 und on Linux for me, too

    Hello Forum,

    some OMs and me included, experienced more or less the same problem.

    The software is running, all works like it should, hours / sometimes days. BUT sometimes only minutes, then the "DOS box" closes and the "GUI" can´t decode any longer but is still running. You can click everything, change settings etc.

    So it looks like only the "Modem" part is closing, no automated restart, and while the GUI receives no data, it can´t do its magic.

    Have you experienced the same?

    Maybe you can offer a solution?

    Is there a debug mode we can start to "see" what causes the modem crash? Found nothing in the wiki.

    Thanks for help.


    Hatte mit Kurt sogar mal telefoniert, da ich an einem Raspberry das Problem hatte das die PIN IOs nicht initialisiert werden. Dabei hatte ich noch 1 2 Anmerkungen , die hier alle mehrmals besprochen sind. Damals dachte ich, da es ganz am Anfang war, ich bin vielleicht alleine mit den Problemen und dass Kurt wegen mir alleine natürlich nicht extra Zeit opfert.

    Da dies ja aber wohl nicht der Fall ist, wird uns Kurt hoffentlich bald mit einer neuen Version überraschen :)

    Das Projekt an sich finde ich auch spitze. "Kleinigkeiten" nachbessern und wir sind glücklich :)

    Beim HSModem geht es mir ähnlich ;) - Tolles Programm, leider stürzt es unregelmäßig immer ab, da mich schon andere drauf angesprochen haben, bin ich beruhigt dass ich damit nicht alleine bin, Auch da habe ich noch Hoffnung :thumbup:

    Dann geb ich meine Meinung auch mal kund.

    Der Ein oder Andere hat meine RaspiBOX 7" vielleicht ja schon gesehen und ich bekomm Déjà-vu Erlebnisse beim lesen :)

    Gerade bei der Audio. Wir (DJ9FT - Friedrich und ich) helfen uns mit einem Behringer CS400 aus, um die Modulation anzuheben. Das Ding lässt sich mit einem 9V Block betreiben, auch wenn ich zu diesem Umbau rate: - obwohl es auch Original funktioniert, man muss nur die 9V Batterie immer raus machen oder via externer Spannung versorgen.

    Kann mir jemand erklären warum die Software einen Bass BOOST hat, anstatt einer Bass Absenkung / Höhen Anhebung? Ich hab da bestimmt einen Denkfehler. Zumindest muss ich, es wird den meisten Männern auch so gehen, die Bässe im Normalfall raus nehmen und Mitten / Höhen anheben. Die Software hat hierfür leider nichts vorgesehen, obwohl Kurt sicherlich durch die BassBoost Funktion alle nötige vermutlich schon programmiert hat. Bitte Kurt, falls Du dies hier liest, gib Uns / mir eine Mitten/Höhen Anhebung .

    Der Kompressor bringt in Unserer ( DJ9FT + meiner einer) Konfiguration auch nicht viel. Deshalb lösen wir es extern. Mit dem Behringer Teil ( ) funktioniert es prima mit einem ganz normalen Klinken Mikrofon + Adapter auf 6.3mm und zurück in eine USB Soundkarte ( ). Die Kabel gibt es Gottseidank schon fix und fertig zu Video sieht man es auch am Ende. Die Demo im Video ist nicht sehr deutlich, das liegt aber im Limiter den ich am PC benutze, mehr wie 0dB Aussteuerung geht nun mal nicht :)

    Um nicht nur zu nörgeln :) Die Software an sich ist super. So muss kein Notebook mehr mitgeschleppt werden. Mit dem Touch komme ich nicht klar, dafür kann die Software ja aber nichts, hab eine Bluetooth Tastatur dran ( - Logitech K400 QWERTZ - aufpassen, die meisten sind QWERTY! ) - nach dem kalibrieren läuft die Software zuverlässig und ist noch nie abgestürzt oder hängen geblieben.

    Vielleicht hat Kurz ja Muße und investiert noch einmal paar Tage seiner Zeit und kann, gerade bei der Audio, nochmal etwas nachbessern. Der RaspberryPi 4 hat noch Leistung übrig, daran sollte es nicht scheitern.

    Länger geworden als gewollt, genau wie meine Durchgänge ... :)

    Die Links sind Affiliat Links , ich wollte nicht diese Ewig Langen hier rein kopieren.

    Ich hab auch die Rotarys und PTT in meiner RaspiBox ( siehe bei Friedrich DJ9FT und mir) verbaut . Das Projekt ist toll.



    To write it here, too. The software is running smooth, since i installed it, it never crashed or freeze (zombie whatever) on the Pi4 4Gb with "bullseye" RaspiOS connected via WLAN!

    my client is on LAN, but the bandwidth is less than a thought, so it should also be fine on WLAN, cause the server already runs via WLAN (5GHz) and never clitched etc.

    Great software Tom *thumbsup*

    For all reader, if you think about it, give it a try, it simply works.

    100% positive feedback from my side @Tom :)



    Hey Tom,

    first thanks for your work. I´m downloading atm the client (with 160kb/s :) ) , server is running on a Pi4 4Gb Ram.

    One thing: can you make a ico for a desktop icon? or tell me what it should look like and i do one and send it to you to include it in the repo. with an example desktop file it would be easier for beginners.

    Many thanks


    Aktuell empfange ich sie auf der 10.489.988.500 USB (minus Transponder Offset) - sicher Testmodus und wenn alles fehlerfrei läuft wird QSY gemacht

    Just wanna confirm that the HSModem Beacon is working.

    Received with LimeSDR and Pluto, with SDRAngel and SDRConsole with VAC and VB-audio-cable under Kali-Linux and Win10Pro.

    I had to select: 7200 8APSK BW:2700 Hz (QO-100 SDR) - then the "RX sync" went instant green and several moments (minutes) later the amsat_X.blt appeared under File / RX. Fex minutes later, the next amsat_X.blt

    Maybe now more using the software.

    vy 73




    I found some pictures on twitter.

    73, Dolf.

    Interesting to see here my pictures 🤔🙂

    But that´s not the main reason for my posting.

    I tested the external ref and it works like it should. The CLK_Out is activated after CLK_Source is set to external.

    Also the PTT works if you set the "adress" correct.

    not made deep tests while busy with other things but thought it could be interesting for other to hear good news.


    use Putty or what you prefer

    login with 'root' - 'analog'

    fw_setenv refclk_source external // this enables the CLK_IN/OUT

    pluto_reboot reset // reboots pluto and the CLK_IN is active

    If your reference is not perfect you can correct it with:

    fw_setenv xo_correction 39999750 // for example

    Changing the frequency is done with:

    fw_setenv ad936x_ext_refclk '<25000000>' // You must use ' NOT " as describes in the WIKI since 0.32!

    Or you use: fw_setenv ad936x_ext_refclk_override '<25000000>'

    Don´t forget to reboot the Pluto to apply the changes with:

    pluto_reboot reset

    Easy and fast done.

    Hope it helps.



    As last solution, if you stuck, I can offer my help.

    Distance is a problem but if you send it, I can try my best.

    Received in the past 6 "dead" plutos and only 2 were really dead, the other 4 are working again. 1 with a squirrly signal but it works :) If it is really dead, I can send you a complete "new" moddified one if you want. TCXO, GND, PTT , whatever you need.

    Write me an eamil and give me some days, I do not check every day my mails.

    Hope I can help



    Received today a DUR-Line +Ultra Quad LNB and it is a PLL with RT350.

    The Crystal is on the TOP side with 25MHz.

    Horn diameter: 52,5mm with plastic

    Mounting dia: 40mm

    The cover is 4mm deep , enough space for parts ;)

    Also received the QUATTRO Version which is a PLL too!




    Edit: Forgot Cover pics

    Edit 2: inserted pic Quattro inside