Posts by DL2BZ

    Hi all,

    here is a description of my setup:

    + SSB transceiver with TCXO 0,5 ppm with internal sound card or signalink sound card

    + full licence VARA SAT v3.1.2, Winlink Express

    + PC: Hardware: coffee lake, OS: Windows 7

    + DL2BZ Es'Hail2 transverter with power amp +40 dBm

    + 1m dish with winkler helix antenna for TX

    + 80cm dish with Octagon Twin PLL LNB for RX

    + cheap 75 Ohm cables widely used


    Bernd, DL2BZ

    Hi all,

    we are just taking it to the top:

    *** Connected to Winlink RMS: IS0GRB @ 2019/10/19 08:05:35 USB Dial: 29135,000 at 2019.10.19 08:05:35

    RMS Trimode

    DL2BZ has 180 minutes remaining with IS0GRB


    ;PQ: 84921629

    CMS via IS0GRB >

    ;FW: DL2BZ

    [RMS Express-$]

    ;PR: 54228415

    ; IS0GRB DE DL2BZ (JN59LK)

    FC EM 6QYYA5BGXOIR 111332 111475 0

    F> 30

    FS Y

    *** Sending 6QYYA5BGXOIR.


    *** Completed send of message 6QYYA5BGXOIR

    *** Sent 1 message. Bytes: 112389, Time: 06:11, bytes/minute: 18140


    *** --- End of session at 2019.10.19 08:12:19 ---

    *** Messages sent: 1. Total bytes sent: 112389, Time: 06:43, bytes/minute: 16700

    *** Messages Received: 0. Total bytes received: 0, Total session time: 06:43, bytes/minute: 0

    *** Disconnecting

    *** Disconnected from Winlink RMS: IS0GRB @ 2019/10/19 08:12:25

    *** Session: 6.8 min; Avg Thruput: 16476 Bytes/min; 1 Min Peak Thruput: 16476 Bytes/min


    Bernd, DL2BZ

    Hi all,

    I tried yesterday with my devices and this is the result:

    *** Connected to Winlink RMS: IS0GRB @ 2019/10/13 07:15:42 USB Dial: 29135,000 at 2019.10.13 07:15:42

    RMS Trimode

    DL2BZ has 172 minutes remaining with IS0GRB


    ;PQ: 69513675

    CMS via IS0GRB >

    ;FW: DL2BZ

    [RMS Express-$]

    ;PR: 42960069

    ; IS0GRB DE DL2BZ (JN59SK)

    FC EM HMHK14U8ONCM 62216 62249 0

    F> B9

    FS Y

    *** Sending HMHK14U8ONCM.


    *** Completed send of message HMHK14U8ONCM

    *** Sent 1 message. Bytes: 62767, Time: 03:34, bytes/minute: 17540


    *** --- End of session at 2019.10.13 07:19:48 ---

    *** Messages sent: 1. Total bytes sent: 62767, Time: 04:06, bytes/minute: 15280

    *** Messages Received: 0. Total bytes received: 0, Total session time: 04:06, bytes/minute: 0

    *** Disconnecting

    *** Disconnected from Winlink RMS: IS0GRB @ 2019/10/13 07:19:53

    *** Session: 4.2 min; Avg Thruput: 14951 Bytes/min; 1 Min Peak Thruput: 14951 Bytes/min