Posts by PA3FBX

    Hello Ismo,

    Still lots of posible reasons.

    I sounds a TS null packets problem but it can be Network related and so many other issues..

    I advice to find a datv easy or datvred install.

    These programs take away the TS filling and might resolve your problem...

    But again so many other issues..

    I might be able to help online via anydesk.

    PM me for more

    Its 2.4Ghz not HF..

    Ferrite is not needed(does not work on 2.4Ghz). 5 pf cap is a complete short on 2.4Ghz but it leaks thru a 1 cm opening.

    Keep your internal leads short special on the 50Ohm coax side. nice case around the internal shielding is best option to make it beautiful but most amplifiers end up next to the dish and not in the shack e.g. make it weatherproof and not beautiful.

    Keep in mind a few meters cable with normal N connectors will give easy 3DB loss and you do not want to heat up the air with hot coax cables..

    Nein wenn die minitiouner shon mit erstem ansluss funktioniert dan ist die windows Treiber ok.

    Wenn die 2e FTD richtig angeslossen ist muß es die Programmierung sein.

    Man seht mit ft-prog was im FTD ist programmiert.

    Wenn man beide FTD Chips angeslossen sind soll beide in ft-prog zu sehen sein

    Benno PA3FBX


    I made a small PCB for adding a 2nd TS output to a Minitiouner-S to work with the new Opentuner from Tom ZR6TG which makes it possible to receive 2 channels with 1 minitiouner.

    It's pretty universal so it could also be used for any minitiouner with the same NIM tuner Serit FTS 4334LV.

    More info on the BATC forum

    And in my drop box ... xm03a?dl=0

    I do not intend to sell complete boards but i may have some blank pcb's left.

    But anyone is free to get a few boards from china.

    Best regards


    I have now read 3 times exactly the same...

    But in the end.. theory and practica are rarely the same as we are not living in an ideal world. Hence my practical approach using goonhilly web monitor. I found in bigger offset dishes very little reflection problems but the coax cable and its weight on the Poty is doing very much.

    So mount the Poty in a dish and start testing and don't stair your Eye blind on a VNA...

    10 mw in a 1 meter dish is more than enough to see your signal on Goonhilly.

    Hi George,

    I have done much in asking Mike and Remko how this POTY works, but never got a good answer.

    Than i took a more practical approach.

    I have test build over 10 pieces for just finding what works and what does not.

    I do not have expensive antenna simulation software as the guys who have designed this POTY but like you my VNA showed big problems...

    In the end i made a test setup in a 1M dish and 10mw signal with goonhilly as my receiving reporting system.

    Modifying until i got most signal across which is what we want in the end...

    I saw no relation with bad swr but huge difference moving the dips up and down and wider and narrower..

    In my test experience the distance between the plates need almost perfect as described and the 2 dips need 40 Mhz to 50 Mhz higher and lower as the used frequency, Than use the right cable lengt to get the optimum swr at the amplifier.

    Keep in mind that 4 cm longer will influence the swr...

    Even in cables over 10M but those cables are to long anyway...


    Hoi Conrad,

    Even snel in het Nederlands...

    Je hebt iets meer ruimte nodig voor satellite kabel omdat de LNC waarschijnlijk wat achter de poty hangt en dus wat lager.

    De hele zaak kijkt schuim omhoog dus daar heb je geen last van...

    Belangrijk is wel te begrijpen wat voor een dualband antenne je gaat gebruiken..

    poty heeft een 22 mm buis straler voor 10Ghz waarachterop de lnc wordt geplaatst.

    een helix heeft vaak een groot gat waarin de lnb wordt gedrukt.

    Helix heeft 3db gain voor TX ten opzichte van een POTY maar je verliest ong 3dB in je RX door shielding van het ontvangst door de helix straler...

    Ik heb voor portabel gebruik mijn 1,2 meter offset op zijn kop gezet.

    Het voordeel is een veel stabielere opstelling met minder windvang en de feed is makkelijker aftedekken met een broodzakje...

    Maar dan zal je de montage buis onder ong 30 graden schuin moeten hebben... (mijn 3 poot is dus zonder midden buis en de offset monteer ik op zijn kop aan 1 van de 3 poten.

    keuzes genoeg...

    Wat zijn je plannen?

    73es Benno PA3FBX.

    Nice build, but do you know what the design was ment to be?

    2 resonating freq about 100 mhz apart causing a circulair pattern. The poty is not ideal on the working frequency witch is why most high power datv stations use helix.

    What i do not identify is the point where the signal is supplied to the front plate.

    The location of this is causing left or right hand circular...

    The white lens i see in your picture is not working on prime focus with 0,3 D but is meant for offset dishes with 0,6 D...

    Goodluck and see you soon...

    Benno, PA3FBX.

    Check the bog of F5UII. He documented most of the known versions and its limitations...

    I would advice on a Pluto rec C still the 0201 and only if you need the additions go for the perseverance versions...

    Don;t forget the rev C patch from F5UII.. you need it.


    In version 2.09 and 2.10 the start has become a start+ witch also does a apply.

    I had similar problems where setting changes needed a restart of the program to get active.

    New and more updates will be soon online...

    Best regards


    i understand your idea but think rather to have an additional apply button.

    I know, sometimes some settings are badly accepted.

    Dominique is aware of this issue and i just hope it will be resolved.

    The PTT button is a separate relay output capabel to just switch the final stage..

    This is a normal ham tool for switching between RX and TX and sould be in this software..

    So your survey to replace the function would be a bad idea in my oppinion.

    But refreshing ideas are allways welcome..

    Best regards


    Hi rudi,

    Maybe better to do a QSO or whatsapp phone call..

    I really think you over simplify a simple network issue...

    And still I really think you may not understand the risc your getting in...

    Send me an email with a whatwapp number so we use dutch for a phone call..



    I am sure you don't want this but you put the pluto in the DMZ in your router and everyone can use the pluto when they know your home ip adres..

    I have my pluto now connected thru a raspberry with has also a good firewall

    But the best solution would be a VPN connection between your remote station and your home network.

    Its a pity Amsat dl won't permit remote operated stations on the qo100..


    If you login with putty in the pluto and type the command device_format_jffs2

    you really clean an updated pluto back to factory settings...

    I had heard no success stories so far. And this was feeling like we repair or brick the pluto..


    So we dared and yes it created a blank pluto.

    Be aware your browser still might contain the data in the cookies..

    But the pluto was empty in 5 seconds...

    After deleting the rebuild was straight forward...
