@ PE1HZG: By accident I found an 8pin-connector in my junk box. Of course the plastic one, but it will do it for this purpose. Working great of course! Tnx again for the tip!
Richard, DG2SBL
@ PE1HZG: By accident I found an 8pin-connector in my junk box. Of course the plastic one, but it will do it for this purpose. Working great of course! Tnx again for the tip!
Richard, DG2SBL
DG7YEO: Der Jumper scheint tatsächlich nur im FT-897D verbaut zu sein, in meinem FT-897 (ohne D) ist er leider nicht vorhanden!
Hi friends,
tnx a lot for your valuable assistance.
DG7YEO: Das isses eigentlich! Werde gleich mal nachschauen, ob der Jumper auf meinem Board verbaut ist.
and if not:
pe1hzg Your suggestion should also help solving the problem, if the other one doesn´t! By the side: I have same experience with the mini-DIN connectors, most of them are awful!
Richard, DG2SBL
Danke Martin für die Links.
Über das o. verlinkte Kabel (incl. Relais) in ebay bin ich auch bereits gestolpert.
Ich bin mir allerdings noch unschlüssig, ob ich die 8-polige CAT/LINEAR-Buchse des FT-897 verwenden soll, (s. ebay-Kabel!) oder die 6-polige DATA-Buchse, die zum Anschluss eines TNCs zur Verfügung steht und explizit über einen PTT-Pin verfügt.
Mit entsprechendem 6-poligen Mini-Stecker wäre das doch die einfachere Lösung.
Hatte gehofft, dass hier im Forum jemand ist, der eine entsprechende QO100-Station mit FT-897 betreibt und evt. weiterhelfen kann.
ACHTUNG: Beachtet bitte die Hinweise hierzu von PE1HZG weiter unten !!!
Ich habe hier - in einer Box verdrahtet - den S-Band Sendemischer (435MHz/500mW max in - 2400MHz out) mit nachgeschalteter 6W PA der ASMSAT-DL. Angesteuert werden soll die Mimik mit 2W aus einem FT-897 und natürlich passendem Dämpfungsglied.
Welche Möglichkeiten der PTT-Steuerung gibt es hier? Gibt es evt. konfektionierte Kabel, mit denen man den FT-897 mit der PA verbinden kann?
I´m very pleased with the combination of SG Lab transverter and PA so far.
My question: Are there measurable advantages, if I use an external 10 MHz reference together with this transverter?
So far I didn´t see any necessity for it.
I´m working only SSB and use all my QO-100 equipment indoors with exception of my TCXO stabilized LNB.
Thomas, it would be interesting to know, if the picture of Es´hail 2/QO-100 you linked to, is copy-free and can be used for own QSL-cards!
Could you or anybody else verify that?
While I was searching for photos of QO-100 for a further QSL-card, I stumpled upon this thread. Of course Achim is right, but as far as I could find out, there are rarely photos of Es´hail-2 to find in the Internet and if so, they are surely copyright protected. Thus I think, there are no compelling reasons to use just the same original picture of the Es´hail-2 satellite, as long as one uses license-free pictures. If you want to create your own individual QSL-card and use it possibly also for verifying other SAT-connections, why not use pictures of any communication satellite that you like! (Sometimes we - including me , too - tend to look only into one direction.)
I asked Hristiyan what he would suggest, when using his transverter and 20W PA directly together.
His answer:
If you have 5-6 dB losses in the cable between transverter and PA, you can use the PA without an attenuator.
But he also offered to solder a 3-5 dB attenuator on the PA board, if one uses the PA directly connected to the transverter.
Only have to tell him, when you do the payment!
Of course you can also solder an attenuator at later times on the PA board yourself!
Lead time for the 20W PA these days are 3-4 weeks.
Christian , could you please upload a screenshot of an example of one of your entries incl. sat in the logbook?
Would help a lot to see, that I´m on the right trace!
73 de Richard
Thank you Johannes for your info, which makes my decision much easier. Just now, some days after my first QSOs via the bird, it´s a good choice to start with this new logging programme.
All the best for the new year!
73, Richard
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Hello Wolfgang,
obviously you did not read the instruction manual
In the options menue you can activate different things - one of the features are special fields for Sat-use: e.g. Sat-name, Sat mode.....
I feel comfortable with this (in my opinion) very good freeware program.
73 de Johannes
Hello Johannes,
could you recommend this logging software to new users of QO-100 and what about exporting data? Are they accepted by LotW?
Until now I used Ham Radio Deluxe, but I´m not sure, if this will suit for my purposes any longer.
73 de Richard
After having read all the comments in this thread, I do still have the following question:
Which logbook software could you finally recommend for a newcomer on QO-100?
Since many years I´m using HRD Log, but with being QRV via this bird now, I think it could be advisable to switch to another log programme.
Tnx Flo,
You are right and I forgot. Will use an attenuator to be on the save side...
Danke Heiner,
ganz toll, Antwort fast in Echtzeit!
Ich möchte auf jeden Fall vermeiden, dass ich den Transverter mit zu hoher Leistung überfahre. Weiß nicht, wie empfindlich der bei 10 W reagiert (wenn die überhaupt noch aus meinem Oldie herauskommen, hi. Muss mal messen!) Hab Dich übrigens gerade über QO-100 gehört!
Leider ausverkauft, weshalb wohl?
DD0KP Tnx Heiner for valuable hint, which makes start easier. Regards from Schw. Hall (DOK P20) to Black Forest.
Hello Community,
I´ve registered to this great forum, as I´m going to be also active through QO-100 satellite within the next future.
To keep costs low in the beginning, I decided to reactivate my good old FT-726R from the AO10 and AO13 era.
I think, my setup will be as seen in the picture below and I would appreciate it very much, if the one or other of you experts would give me a comment on the efficiency of this setup or help me with other tips.
The receiving end seems to work quite well so far, but I´m still waiting for my transverter, which is already shipped, as I was informed today. Ordered it on 27th November 2019 (lead time was originally 6 weeks!).
I will reload this picture with the updated set-up as soon as I get new information!
Add1: Transverter delivered just before end of the year 2019 - Working well so far - I reached every station I wanted to work -