You can take it to 28 Volt, I run it at 24 Volt.
PA1EJO, we (PE1GLX and me) liked your 12 to 24v converter, and we just bought this as well. Our transverters are finished, no space left, so we will use it as an outside box.
You can take it to 28 Volt, I run it at 24 Volt.
PA1EJO, we (PE1GLX and me) liked your 12 to 24v converter, and we just bought this as well. Our transverters are finished, no space left, so we will use it as an outside box.
Hi Stef,
Thank you so much !
A very useful overview.
I highly appreciate your effort to create this table.
Best regards,
At 13V I measure around 5.5 Watt CW output.
I do not know how accurate my meter is.
Has anyone tested the sglabs PA at 12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26/28 volt?
Thanks, Henk
Hi Phil,
When I upgraded from 0.80 to 1.20 mtr dish I had to change the lens, difference in RX was huge, couple of dBs, DATV beacon was 4 dB different just because of getting the right lens.
Of course that lens is for RX, not your TX issue.
As trick from PE1RXJ to test the quality of the dish is simple, but with amazing results; when he compared 5 dishes or so: aim the dish at the sun, so need a sunny day, spray the dish with water, hold a piece of white paper at the point of the lnb. Some dishes create a nice bright spot on the paper, means focus, other illuminate the entire paper, not much focus/gain.
And so there are many many variables.
Keep going, its all about experimenting, and learning!
both offset dishes, I dont know the f/d, yes you are correct.
in my 1.2 mtr dish lens 3 was at least 5dB better than 2 and 5.
For DATV rx this was really needed, I could not decode the beacon with 2 nor 5.
In my 80cm dish 2 and 5 were OK-ish.
thanks for yr responses. I am working with joris pe1glx to fix his PA.
few questions
1. Faulty resistors: what was faulty: their soldering, overheated, change in resistance/open/short?
2. Does anyone have a datasheet of the BLD6G22L 150N/2?
Hi Ed,
Looking forward to make a DATV QSO with you, I am ready for that now.
Long time ago you were one of the 1st stations I worked on the NB transponder, that was awesome, I am sure other will love to make a voice QSO with you as well.
DB8TF, I get about 70W out of the bison PA. I did the snowflaking, but not changed the bias currents, just provided 28V.
Now 90 vs 70 isnt much but stil interesting to explore. When I increase input more no further increase in output.
You bias mods may give that 20W extra.
PA is very stable I need to say, and does not get hot.
Just for fun I connected my Minitiouner to the Portsdown USB, picked the first signal I saw on the WB monitor from BATC, and there it was: immediately a decode of the 333ks signal of F5UII !
Amazing !
Looks very good.
By the way, the directional coupler at the output can be omitted and thus may bring a few tenths of dB more output power to the antenna. The amplifier already has a coupler built in and you can simply connect the power meter to the second MMBX socket. The corresponding calibration value has to be determined of course, but this would be necessary for the external coupler as well.
But one could also realize a deluxe version and use the external coupler to measure additionally the reflected power.
With the 25 euro power meter via Ali connected to the directional coupler.
do you use them as input stage for the bison/nokia/ampleon PA?
hi Ed, very encouraging, I see 2 items I need to check
1. I cut off the LNB, you hold the lnb behind the tube.
2. Focal point
Will look into these this weekend
Hi Ed!
Thanks for your input and the clear pictures, really nice.
Did you measure the gain difference (between the bare lnb and the lnb via your poty)?
i agree with PE1RTC, in combination with a R&S generator tested en used. Indeed, only to check deviation/offset per band, eg at 2200, 2300 and 2400 MHz and you have a very useful instrument.
With a used laptop pwr supply and a DC DC converter and a N chassis connector it helps me with the portsdown and PA for the WB uplink.
very nice!
I do not have a spectrum analyzer, but a quick and dirty set up this afternoon using a pluto SDR looked quite OK. My portsdown (plus small LNA) connected to the input gave 44dbm on the output for a 125ks stream. Power supplied 27,5v and 5A.
Need to do some proper measurements tomorrow.
DF2HF great! what about linearity, was that your -1db point?