Posts by ik4idy

    Thank you, I have changed the settings as you indicated but still no luck, I believe the signals on the WB transponder are too weak for this part of the world, DATV will be very difficult to rx/tx from here, although the signals on the NB are very strong.


    Ed PY2RN - ..-

    This is very strange. Have you tryed to experiment the change of polarization ? Are you sure about the power supply to yours LNB at 18 V to reach the horizontal polarization ?


    Okay, with the suggestion of JP I have been modified the LO ref. The procedure that I have been used is to, increase and decrease, by some try, the main frequency. I found good rx at 333 K/s decreasing 40 KHz. This difference is now applied to the LO, in main screen. Inserting now the real frequency (From BATC Spectrum WB) the Minitioune locks the signal. Now I will need to try with more lower rates.

    More test will be done. Stay tuned.



    Form Amsat UK :

    "At the RSGB AGM in Birmingham on Saturday, April 27, 2019 two awards were made in recognition of work related to the amateur radio transponders on the geostationary satellite Es’hail-2 / QO-100.

    The prestigious Louis Varney Cup for Advances in Space Communication was awarded to Peter Gülzow DB2OS for his leadership of the team responsible for the Qatar-OSCAR-100 mission which is now in service."

    Congratulations to Peter for this Prize and thanks to all Amsat-DL team for all the effort.

    Hi Lucio,

    I'm using the same version (B iI suppose but where is the evidence ?), still having issues with Mititioune express HW. I'm fighting a lot to have a best results, I can decode only down to 1 M/s, below it's impossibile. I downloaded the version :


    73 vy best

    I suggest to put the new version in a different folder from the previous versions and to use only the minitiouneConfig.ini file of the latest version.

    The Sw is in two separate folder, in my case, but in my opinion this not represent the focus.

    First of all I've some doubt on the correct pointing of my dish. but comparing signal form batc Wb spectrum and my SDR, i found the same signals. Yes Express is a hardware very different from other models of Minitiotune, the critical point may be the temperature. It's my aim to modify the Express for the 5 V supply. This mods is described clearly on the manual provided. It's quite complex to do due SMD, but not a mission impossible. If this way fail I'm ready to buy another and I hope more efficient hardware.

    Alessio, no problem here with MiniTiouner Express HW.


    Thank you Lucio, this means that my hardware has issues.

    May be due the high temperature, The LNB is powered thru hardware (+18V). It's my intention to reduce voltage to 5 v (with mods) and power the LNB via Bias-tee.

    I hope this solve.


    Hi JP,

    in these days I tested new version in my Minitioune Express HW.

    Unfortunately V 0.9 Version cannot decode at 125 K/s, 333 K/s. The old version decode these speed toghether without problems. May be something wrong in the new sw or may be my hardware has some issues ?

    73 de Alessio

    Nice object. Congratulations for the project, and for Pino.


    Hi all,

    yesterday I observed that many station doesn't respect the WB, Bandplan. There was stations transmitting at 500 K/s in the 333 K/s reserved frequency. Someone transmit at 1 M/s, in the 333 K/s - 125 K/s portion. Someone transmit not perfectly centered in the 125 K/s. This behavior damage all. Please pay attention to the rule, I strongly suggest to use the BATC, monitor, very useful to monitor your emission.

    Moreover due to the high traffic, in my opinion it is time to revise the bandplan, and reduce the 2 M/s, Beacon, to 1 M/s.

    Do you agree with me ?

    73 de IK4IDY

    Hello to the amsat F6DZP group there is a system to use MiniTiouner with the program, to use the Sdr-sharp key the only program!!!

    73 ik1hgi Tony

    Minitioune software is designed now only for NIM SERIT Hardware, or similar tuners, not for DVB-T keys. If you are interested about SW running on DVB-t keys, search for dvbs-gui. May be this solution is suitable for you, but Minitioune has a step ahead. I strongly suggest you to evaluate the construction of the hardware, or to buy Minitioune.


    73 A.

    A few days ago i had a successful QSO with an austrian OM.

    The DV signal is much smaller (1,2kHz) than the allowed 2,7kHz, so no problem on NBTP.

    If you want to do a test then install the SW and let me know.

    vy73 DB8TF

    Software installed, I will try setup of the audio, trying a combination with sdr console and radio...tu FOR INFO'S.

    73 Alex

    Easypal? > (3 stronger peaks left IN the digital signal visible!)

    FreeDV? > (2 peaks in the middle of the digital Signal visible)

    Both modes are used from time to time on QO100 NBTP

    Are Tests in Free Dv possible ? Are there any restrictions to use this mode ?


    free DV explains the "WB" signal exceed limit of KG-STV band.

    Now all is explained !


    Very sad this is a bad news. But, are we sure about the source ? May be a unvoluntary noise generated by a defective transmitter in Doha or in the group of the Eshail customers ? Now someone on the chat talks about anti-radars from the Syrian zone...
