Posts by IU1KVL

    Hi all,

    SATSAGEN is available

    -Works with:


    - HackRF One

    - RTL-SDR Dongles

    - Simple Spectrum Analyzer series like NWT4000, D6 JTGP-1033, Simple Spectrum Analyzer, and so on.

    - Video trigger, real-time trigger, and fast-cycle feature

    - ADALM-PLUTO custom gain table and Extended linearization table for all devices

    - Transmit from raw format files

    - I/Q balance panel

    - Waterfall

    - RX/TX converter offset

    - Video Filter average option

    - Keyboard or mouse wheel moving markers

    - Status Display

    Waiting for you at

    Let me know



    I did't but I checked it now

    open first without calibration two -10db ( rx and tx) attenuators plus -16db of the coupled port -26db rx -10db tx total.

    after calibration with two different 50ohms dummy load terminations, the yellow is the load from my calibration kit, the red one is from ebay, cheap both , both rated 6ghz


    the red curve of the 50-ohm dummy load from eBay is too low, the yellow is more correct according to the directivity value of the coupler.

    Can you post the result of the antenna?

    Thank you

    73, Alberto

    ok, after test as you advice in your picture, the problem is the same not consistent results at 5.8ghz , and do not look like the brands official antenna plots. I think could be the pluto sMA cable, it is rated 3ghz and if I pass the hand close this react quite energetic, is not possible my antennas do no get affected by it. Maybe could be bad satsagen settings by my part, just to be sure I tested my attenuators, directional coupler and all for me looks decent at 6ghz. Under 3ghz all looks good


    After an open calibration, did you run a test with a 50 ohm load? Did you notice about a linearity on whole frequency range?

    Yes, what you are doing is right.

    This is open, for example:

    73, Alberto


    Thank you for your comment

    We have added the -40 calibration feature to mitigate the imperfect region of -40dB due to the internal crosstalk of Pluto. The -40 calibration needs adding a good 40dB attenuator in the loopback after calibration of 0dB. SATSAGEN fire an error when read amplitude above the region of -40. Let aside for the moment the -40 calibration for your purpose of measuring return loss with coupler.

    In my opinion, the problems you noticed should be due to the directional coupler. I suggest you find the best coupler for the characteristic of the DUT, in your case, the antenna. You should choose the coupler with the range frequency nearest your antenna, also this corresponds to the highest directivity value of the coupler.

    If the directivity of the coupler is not sufficiently related to the typical return loss of the antenna, the results are errored.

    The coupler directivity should be almost 10dB higher than the typical return loss of the antenna.

    In my opinion, you should consider a directional coupler with about 23dB or higher of directivity.

    In the picture of your post, the setup of Pluto and coupler is correct. With this setup (open), you can do a 0dB calibration, that it is sufficient to measure the return loss next.

    The RX gain and TX power levels should be defined in the range where you use more of the dynamic of Pluto and less internal crosstalk.

    I suggest you start with 30 of RX gain and -30 of TX pwr.

    I suppose the antenna should be connected directly to the coupler because cables and connectors could affect the readings, but the antenna should be possibly free from interaction with other near objects. I know, it's not easy to do! Moreover, the Pluto without a metal case can be affected by antenna emissions!

    In your picture, I see dipole antennas. The impedance matching of these antennas is it well done? If we ever manage to implement the VNA on SATSAGEN maybe we will measure this too! ;)

    73, Alberto

    Hi all,

    some of the undesired components and images are derived from combined of nearby local oscillators RX and TX; unfortunately, this is a lack of the transceiver of Pluto as confirmed by ADI. These undesired components are not present at some span settings because the LO RX turns in sweep tuned mode, and they are out of scope of the chunks. Keep in mind that this behavior is mainly due to using RX and TX in loopback configuration with nearby LO.

    73 Alberto

    Hello Mike,

    if you refer to the connection to the device via IP, you can specify a uri in Settings-> Devices, e.g. IP:, as an alternative to choosing a local device.

    Cheers, Alberto

    Hi all!

    the new version 0.2.2 of SATSAGEN is available at the link below:

    Highlights of v. 0.2.2:

    - Extension of analyzed band from 6 GHz to 12 GHz and beyond! (harmonic third mode)

    - Multiplier offset RX/TX TSA in order to test amplifiers or multipliers

    - Offset between transmitter and receiver in order to test conversion systems, like transverters

    - Display and modify SA resolution bandwidth

    - Save/Load TSA scans (by memory or files)

    - VSWR unit

    - Multiple TSA markers

    - Multiple SA markers

    - Calibration using a directional coupler or bridge, averaging open and short

    - Generator/Sweeper Mode

    - SA Span value - scale coherency

    - Lock Zoom autoscale when TSA or SA restarts

    - All knobs can drived by the mouse wheel

    - Pause and step functionality

    - Output sweep ramp with external USB D/A

    - Backup and restore configuration to and from a file.

    - Connection string Override

    - Frequency reference setting


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