Posts by EI2GLB

    Hi Oliver

    Thanks for the reply, Yes I had it marked as Satellite but on there end they had not, I sent there manager an email and he resolved it straight away, so hopefully everyone else that does OQRS will recieve there confirmation with zero issues,




    Sorry guys I did not reply sooner, I got it working using MRP40 but I have to use SDR console in SSB mode,

    It works but it is not ideal,




    Hi All

    Just wondering has anyone that worked the recent DXpedition TT8TT has any issue with getting a match on LoTW

    I think there is some issue around the use of Sat mode in the log,

    But hopefully someone else has seen this issue before I go back to them with it,

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this question, I could not find a better location,




    Hi All

    Can anyone help me I'm trying to send CW using MRP40 and SDRconsole, currently I have to press TX on console and use SSB mode, I'd rather it PTT and use CW mode,

    Is this possible,




    Hi All

    I have a question someone might be able to help me with,

    I wish to move from my Pluto based setup to use my 9700 and a DXPatrol upconverter, The problem I have is that the 2.4GHZ amp I use is the V3 low drive version that has a max input of 50mW and the output of the Upconverter is 200mW

    Does anyone know can you reduce the output to under 50mW or would I be better trying to find a 6dB attenuator to run in line,

    I am trying to keep cost low as the radio budget is not approved by XYL ;(




    Hi All

    I recently got JTDX running to work some of the DXpeditions on QO-100, I am wondering has anyone managed to find a way to get JTDX or WSTJ-X to log these QSO's automatically in Log4OM with the correct bands and SAT mode ect,

    I did a few QSO's tonight and I manually setup Log4OM and logged each QSO manually but that is not very much fun,

    I am using a Pluto via SDR Console and have JTDX setup using VB Cable and VSP Manager




    Hi It's just a generic one from eBay here is an image, I replaced the one I modified with another of the same I set the IP address as static and changed the IP address in the Pluto Config file to match and so far it seems ok,

    Thanks again to everyone for the help




    [Blocked Image:]

    maybe I missed it but have you tried any other USB-Ethernet adapter? Does the Pluto work when directly connected to a Laptop with USB? I think some ethernet adapters give more problems than others, can you post a picture or model of your adapter?

    Hi Mike

    Thanks for the reply and the info, the unit was new but supplied with the txco mod completed and a version of F5OEO firmware on it, a DL station sells them on eBay,

    I modified the Ethernet adapter as there is many posts documenting the need to ensure it has a good supply of 5v,

    You are right I don't really know what I'm doing but with a bit of help and some luck I usually get stuff working eventually,

    So I reflashed the unit with the latest firmware from AD 0.32, and I made sure that the config file has the right IP addresses for my network and It connected straight away and after each reboot it worked,

    I'm going to change to an unmodified Ethernet adapter as the one I'm using is messy looking and hopefully it should be ok then,

    Thanks to everyone here who has helped me I hope I have the bugs sorted now and you will be seeing less questions from me,

    73 Trevor EI2GLB

    No still not working, I went to have a QSO and system crashed, and since reboot I can not connect,

    I checked config file and it is still ok,

    what I have noticed that when I trying to ping it when I can't connect with SDR console or PUTTY I get a response but slow like 238ms 907ms ect??




    No Ping is not working I am getting "destination host unreachable"

    I got a Y cable splitter and it did not work,

    I took apart my Ethernet adapter and added a 5v line into in and it still does not work, I think it's a pluto issue, but what could it be,

    My pluto has some custom firmware on it, it was preloaded by the seller, It is by some French Station for DATV I think ??




    Thanks Mike I bought 2 lens's for it, both form Passion Radio there improved one is about 2-3db up on the one supplied with the kit,

    I've made a couple of QSO's with good reports so happy here now, the SNR is down at bit at 37 but I'm sure there will be some variation of signal over time, I'll give it another twerk next time I feel safe to ask the XYL for help,




    Some fine adjustment with help of XYL I got it up to 40db, I'm sure there are a few more db's there but the helper had enough for today,




    Hi All

    I have my Pluto remotely mounted at the dish but I am having trouble connecting to it, I have a static IP set and after I turn on the PSU I see the port but can not ping it or connect to it, I have managed once today to connect after about 50 reboots,

    It worked perfectly the one time it worked, My pluto does not have the GND mod is it needed for this to work??


