Hey Guys,
Are there some new informations or updates to the software?
The Error, that Video is freezing after few seconds with H265 is happening also one of you?
Dominik DL1DJH
Hey Guys,
Are there some new informations or updates to the software?
The Error, that Video is freezing after few seconds with H265 is happening also one of you?
Dominik DL1DJH
Hey Guys,
Have anybody the same problem that when tcp-stream is using the VLC-Player frozes after 2 sec picture showing. Audio works all the time. Its not a permanent problem (some signals works correctly, beacon) but some signals frozes everytime when I want to decode. Test it out with some versions of DVBS-GUI and VLC-Player.
Its curios because i think it have not be to make a change between beacon and other signal. Beacon is working correctly...
73 de DL1DJH
Send me a Email to (Callsign)@darc.de. Maybe i can help you via TeamViewer.
73 de DL1DJH
Your Problem is maybe that your polarisation is vertikal, not horizontal. Then you have much attenuation to the signal. Or your dish is a little bit to little.
I can't understand why there is no constellation. The generic RTL 2832 U OEM works great in the narrow band. Can anyone help me to understand where it is error ?
Good morning,
Maybe the reason is that the bb-gain is to low. Try to play with values at bb-gain and fft-intensity to a point that the contrast between noise and signal is best. You have to see noise as btiht blue and signal as bright yellow.
Now you can chose the signal with SR that works.
73 de DL1DJH
Hello Everybody,
The Software works amazing for me.
Its really nice what a great bit of work is invested in the possibility to receive DATV for everybody.
Really thank you to Marcel.
When i make some tests, i have two ideas to make it better.
-the possibility to make carrier recovery activated when software starts
-when i receive a signal and the transmission is paused, the SR have to been changed again to the same SR before.
Thanks for your great work,
Dominik DL1DJH