Thanks to all for the replies. My setup for TX is an FT-817NB to the SG Lab transverter (using TX side only) to a 6db attenuator to the SG Lab amp to the BamaTech duo feed on a 79x71cm dish. My setup for RX is a Raspberry 3B with RTL-SDR to a GoSat LNB modified with TCXO. I got all of this equipment from another local ham who says it was working for him and he was making QSOs via QO-100. I put the LNB back on the dish this morning to verify it is still pointed correctly and it is, I'm getting good reception from QO-100. But TX is still an issue.
First, I may have been wrong yesterday when I guessed the transverter was not working. I thought so because I put another SDR on my laptop, loaded SDR Sharp, tuned to 2400.2 mhz, and did not see my own signal. But even though I was able to tune to 2400.2mhz on SDR Sharp, I later discovered that, according to rtl-sdr.com, the upper limit of this hardware is 1.75 ghz, which would explain why I heard nothing. Also, following your advices, I removed the covers off the transverter and the PA and measured all voltages. They seem a bit low but largely in accord with what is said in the manual. The jumpers appear to be set correctly for LO 1968 mhz (jumpers 1 and 2 on, photo attached if you would like to double check me). So at this moment I don't really have any good clues as to what is wrong, maybe the angle of the BamaTech feed is off, as suggested by Robert.
Transverter voltage readings:
B+ 12.1v
SWR voltage Forward 0.8v Reverse 0.04v
PA voltage readings:
B+ 24.2v
DRV 0.35v
SWR voltage Forward 3.1v Reverse 0.1v
There are some anomalies that I don't understand. Perhaps most importantly, Mike says moving the feed should not affect the SWR. In my case, moving the feed (both when it is on and off the mount) does cause the LED to change from red to green. I tried connecting the feed directly to the transverter output (bypassing the PA) and it became much more difficult to get a green LED. To check if perhaps there was a bad coax connection, I tried a different coax cable to connect the feed, same result. The PA has no LEDs, but the voltage readings indicate the SWR is OK.
I'm also having trouble getting a green LED for transverter input. The manual says orange for low, green for normal, red too high. I'm always seeing the LED with a yellow/green color, and it never changes regardless of the output setting on the FT-817 and regardless of the position of the TX POWER trimmer. I don't know what to make of this.
Any further thoughts? I can send a video, more photos, or any other details that might help.
73, Bill